Breast cancer: why Elle Macpherson refused chemotherapy and what do you think of her choice?

Breast cancer why Elle Macpherson refused chemotherapy and what do

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    in collaboration with

    Ivan Pourmir (medical oncologist)

    In an interview with the Australian magazine Women’s Weekly, former model Elle Macpherson reveals that she was affected by breast cancer 7 years ago. Cancer that she says she beat thanks to alternative medicine by refusing the proposed chemotherapy. What do you think of such a choice? Dr. Ivan Pourmir, medical oncologist, answers our questions.

    “It was a shock, it was unexpected, it was confusing.” On September 2, former top model Elle Macpherson created a buzz. In an intimate testimony for the Australian magazine Women’s Weekly, the one who was called The Body for her perfect measurements opened up about her state of health and more particularly about an episode unknown to the general public: breast cancer experienced 7 years ago, at the age of 53.

    “I chose a holistic approach”

    At that time, Elle Macpherson underwent a lumpectomy and the verdict was clear: an intraductal carcinoma HER2-positive and estrogen receptor. Faced with this diagnosis, doctors recommended a conventional treatment including a mastectomy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. A proposal that the model simply rejected.

    “I chose a holistic approach. Saying no to conventional medical solutions was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. But saying no to my own inner feelings would have been even harder.” she assumes today.

    Instead of chemotherapy, Elle Macpherson opted for another solution: she isolated herself for eight months in a rented house in Phoenix, Arizona, surrounded by an alternative medical team composed of a naturopathic doctor, a holistic dentist, an osteopath, a chiropractor and two therapists. A solution that worked for her.

    And while the top model assures that she is now in remission, she nevertheless wants to remain cautious about her personal choice: “This is not about giving advice to others. I am simply sharing what I have discovered through my own real experiences.”

    Complementary chemotherapy, a bet against the invisible

    If Elle Macpherson encourages everyone to ““use your heart as a compass” in her health choices, we wanted to know more about the choice made. Is going without chemotherapy a possible and wise option in breast cancer?

    Dr. Ivan Pourmir, a medical oncologist at Georges-Pompidou Hospital and a cancer immunology researcher, is much more factual.It is sometimes possible to completely cure breast cancer with surgery alone, when it is at the localized stage and has not yet metastasized outside the breast.” he conceives. However, traditionally, the addition of chemotherapy occurs at two times: either before surgery, to facilitate the operation when the cancer is too large, or as a supplement afterwards, to give oneself the maximum chance of eliminating microscopic, non-visible cancer residues.

    “Chemotherapy is a gamble that we make, not being able to know exactly who will suffer a relapse or not. Given the situation and the characteristics of the tumor, if we consider that the risk is significant, we will propose this complementary chemotherapy. This does not mean that the person will necessarily relapse, it means that the risk exists and that the known trials give a much better percentage of remission with chemotherapy” he qualifies.

    His experience alone cannot make it a solution

    For our expert, the success of holistic treatment should therefore be taken with a pinch of salt, even if Elle MacPherson’s choice is hers.

    “Luckily, she is probably one of those people who were cured permanently by surgery alone, and she should not have had any residue. But that was impossible to know at the time of her surgery.“emphasizes the oncologist.

    Without knowing it, the model was lucky. And would probably have a completely different opinion if she had suffered a relapse. Fortunately for her, she claims to feel in great shape today. Enough to be an ambassador for a new treatment method? Not for our expert: “CIt is not on the experience of a single person that one can conclude on the benefits of an approach, and it is unfortunately not said that he or she will never have any relapses either.”

    The opinion of Dr. Gérald KIERZEK, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo

    “Beware of charlatans! Turning to alternative medicines without medical advice in the case of cancer is extremely dangerous. Studies show that patients who opt exclusively for alternative treatments have a significantly higher risk of mortality, which can be multiplied by two to five depending on the type of cancer. Unconventional approaches must be used in addition. In addition, some alternative therapies can be toxic, interact negatively with conventional treatments, or delay the implementation of effective treatment, thus compromising the chances of recovery. It is therefore essential to always consult your doctor and discuss the therapeutic strategies proposed within the framework of RCP (multidisciplinary consultation meetings).”
