Breast cancer: 5 things too many people don’t know

Breast cancer 5 things too many people dont know

Breast cancer is more than a third of new cases of cancer diagnosed in women. However, surveys regularly reveal the lack of information on this disease. Among the things that too many people ignore, some really deserve to be better known. Here are five examples.

In France, the breast cancer is not a rare disease. It affects nearly 60,000 new people each year. And even if the prognosis is often good — especially when the diagnosis is early — it is always interesting to know the most about the disease to be fought.

There is not one, but many breast cancers

There is not one, but many types of breast cancer. According to its location, first of all. According to its molecular characteristics then.

To better understand, a few reminders concerning theanatomy breast. It consists of a multitude of lobules grouped into numerous glandular lobes. It is these glandular lobes that produce milk. Each is thus extended by a milk duct which brings it to the nipple. Everything is surrounded by adipose tissue — fat — and blood and lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic vessels circulate to the lymph nodes axillary — under the arm. Types of immune cell reservoirs.

Doctors, therefore, identify three major forms of cancer according to their location:

  • them carcinomas in situ for which the cancerous cells remain localized in the lobules and the channels;
  • them invasive carcinomas for which the cancer cells have diffused into the surrounding tissues and which can lead to the formation of metastases;
  • inflammatory carcinomas that are located in the skin.

More recently, with advances in genomics doctors have also identified three major types of cancer with different molecular composition:

  • luminal type A or B cancers, the most frequent, express the receptors of estrogen and progesterone, with or without HER2 expression;
  • so-called HER2+ cancers overexpress the protein of the same name — a receiver at some growth factors;
  • triple-negative cancers are characterized by the absence of ER – estrogen receptor -, RP – progesterone receptor – and HER2 markers.

Clearly identifying the cancer from which the patient suffers makes it possible to optimize the management of the disease.

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death from cancer in women

In France, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. In 2018, nearly 59,000 were diagnosed in the country, of which nearly 80% developed after 50 years.

Breast cancer is also the leading cause of death by cancer in women: more than 12,000 in 2018. However, the breast cancer mortality rate is constantly decreasing from 1990 to 2018: -1.3% per year.

men and breast cancer

Lump, redness, area of heat , pain localized or a anomaly in the texture skin. Breast cancer can also affect men. About 500 cases are diagnosed each year. This is about 0.5% of male cancers. Often invasive carcinomas with a lower survival rate than in women. Because the tumor reaches an advanced stage before the diagnosis is made. The risk factors are the same as in women, even if the predisposition genetics dominates. And diseases that play on the rates ofandrogen and estrogen — such as syndrome of Klinefelter or the cirrhosis — can also intervene.

A mammogram every two years, except…

Breast cancers are curable if caught early. Taken at a very early stage, these tumors do not metastasize. The 5-year survival rate is 99%.

Thus in France, the health authorities have been organizing since 2004 a screeningby palpation of the breasts then by mammography every two years for women between the ages of 50 and 74. In L’current state of knowledgethis frequency seems optimal, making it possible to avoid overdiagnosis and useless treatments.

Women with risk factors can, however, be screened before the age of 50 and/or more frequently. If the risk is considered very high — if predisposed genetic for example –, the High Authority of Health directs since 2014 towards a clinical examination performed every six months from the age of 20 and towards a mammogram – or a MRI — every year from age 30.

Wearing a bra does not promote breast cancer

Wear a bra promotes the development of breast cancer. The rumor ran for years. Based on the assumption that the bra is blocking lymphatic circulation and with it, cleansing the cells on a daily basis, thus causing a buildup of toxins. But in 2014, a University of Washington study (United States) has shown that women who wear a bra — whatever its type and whatever its duration daily — don’t get more breast cancer than others.

From risk factors On the other hand, essentially appear the age – the maximum risk being between 65 and 74 years -, the genetic predispositions – a mutation of the Genoa BRCA1 and BRCA2 for 5-10% of breast cancers –, personal history of pathologies breast level, family history or history ofirradiationshigh dose chest pain. More and more studies also incriminate the consumption ofalcoholand smoking.

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