Breakup: our advice to avoid suffering

Breakup our advice to avoid suffering

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    in collaboration with

    Johanna Rozenblum (clinical psychologist)

    Nearly one marriage in two ends in divorce in France. How can you avoid experiencing a separation in a tense and difficult way? What are the ways to smooth this transition? Here is advice from Johanna Rozemblum, clinical psychologist.

    Being in a relationship is an experience that can sometimes end badly. At the time of separation and after, almost everyone goes through difficult weeks before regaining a taste for life. How can you suffer as little as possible during a breakup? Here are a few tips.

    Maintain a positive image of the relationship

    This may be easier said than done, but when you break up, you have to remember what positive things this story brought you. “To avoid suffering too much, I recommend looking for what history has taught us about ourselves, such as the ability to live with another person for example” explains Johanna Rozenblum first.

    Recognize what worked

    Having succeeded in living a love story necessarily justifies the fact that there were beautiful things at the start. “That’s what you have to say to yourself, once you’re separated: at the start, there was love and beautiful things, all the same” adds the expert.

    Consider this failure as a learning experience

    As is often the case with life lessons, they are learned through failure. “It’s the same thing for a breakup: you have to take it as a lesson, to understand the mistakes and not repeat them, to move forward.” believes our expert. “It is also the time to ask ourselves the right questions, and become aware of a possible emotional dependence, which can harm us“.

    Relearn to do things alone

    Becoming single again can be stressful for some people who were used to doing everything together. “We must take this period as an opportunity to refocus on ourselves: doing things that we love, taking care of ourselves, investing in the friendly or professional sphere in a more intense way… It’s an opportunity that we must seize!” assures the psychologist.

    Couple: 8 symptoms of burnout within the relationship

    Slide: Couple: 8 symptoms of burnout within the relationship
