BREAKING NEWS | Thousands of people face death! Israel announced to the world: They started a military operation against Şifa Hospital!

BREAKING NEWS Thousands of people face death Israel announced

Israel is increasing its attacks in Gaza day by day. Thousands of people died and were injured in the attacks that lasted more than a month. While the crisis in the region is getting worse, Israel announced that it started a military operation against Şifa Hospital this morning. On the other hand, Israel admitted days later that the hospitals had international protection status.



Gaza Media Office General Director Ismail al-Sevabite said that the raid on Shifa Hospital by Israeli occupation forces was a war crime.

Stating that Israel is trying to prove that Şifa Hospital is the dispatch and management center of the resistance in Gaza, but will fail in this, Sevabite predicted that “The occupation forces will bring weapons into the hospital, arrange it in a certain way and take pictures of it.”

Sevabite explained their initiatives regarding Şifa Hospital as follows:

“A few days ago we appealed to all international organizations and the Red Cross to rescue the wounded in the Healing complex, but they refused to respond and took responsibility for what was happening, aligning themselves with the objectives of the occupation.”



Israeli Army Spokesperson Avichay Adraee stated in his post on the X platform that a military operation was carried out against a certain part of the Shifa Medical Center.

Adraee claimed that the operation did not target citizens, medical teams and patients inside the hospital.

Stating that the issue was conveyed to the hospital directorate before the operation, Adraee pointed out that efforts were made to evacuate patients and refugees from the hospital before the operation.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Health in Gaza confirmed in its statement that the information about the start of the operation was given to Şifa Hospital.

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Şifa Hospital Director Munir al-Berş, who was contacted by phone during a live broadcast on Al-Jazeera television channel, stated that gunfire and bombardment against the hospital continued.

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El-Bersh said, “If we survive, we will continue our duty; if we become martyrs, we will meet in heaven.” he said.

Civilians who participated in live phone calls from inside the hospital noted that they continued to stay in the inner corridors of the hospital, away from the windows, due to the attacks.


A private citizen named Ahmed, who participated in Al-Jazeera’s uninterrupted phone call from the hospital, responded to the announcer’s question, “How do you manage eating and drinking?”, “I have a few dates with me, I eat half of a date every day.” He replied:

Ministry Spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra, who previously wrote on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Health, said, “The Israeli occupation continues the heavy bombardment and intense gunfire for two hours, surrounding the Shifa Medical Center from all sides and putting everyone here in a circle of death.” he said.

Kudra pointed out that there is a medical team of 1,500 people and approximately 7 thousand refugees in Şifa Hospital.



Caribbean country Belize announced that it has cut off diplomatic relations with Israel due to the ongoing attacks in the Gaza Strip.


In the statement made on the website of the government of the Caribbean country Belize, it was stated that this decision was taken because Israel did not accept ceasefire calls and prevented the entry of humanitarian aid materials.

Drawing attention to the ongoing humanitarian drama in Gaza, the statement said, “Despite our demands, Israel did not end its international human rights violations, nor did it allow aid teams to enter to alleviate the suffering of Gazans. For this reason, we decided to implement a series of measures.” expressions were used.

In the news published in the regional press, it was stated that Belize would request the withdrawal of its Tel Aviv Ambassador and that Israel would request the termination of all its diplomatic activities in Belize.



Writing on the Facebook page of the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Ministry Spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra stated that Israeli forces subjected the hospital to severe bombardment and intense gunfire.

“Israeli tanks are standing at the door of the hospital.” Kudra said:

“The Israeli occupation continues heavy bombardment and intense gun fire for two hours, surrounding the Şifa Medical Center from all sides and putting everyone here in a circle of death.”

Kudra pointed out that there is a medical team of 1,500 people and approximately 7 thousand refugees in Şifa Hospital.


hamas-abdyi-sucladi”>HAMAS ACCUSES THE USA

In the statement released by Hamas, the US’s adoption of Israeli claims that hospitals in Gaza were used by Hamas was condemned.


In the statement, in which the allegations that the hospitals were used by them were rejected, the following statements were made:

“The statement by the Pentagon and the White House regarding the hospitals in Gaza (claiming that Hamas uses them) and the US pressure on the occupation forces to carry out more massacres and deportation of our people from their lands is a green light for hospitals in the Gaza Strip to increase brutal massacres.

“We renew our call to the United Nations to establish a commission, visit all hospitals and conduct inspections to determine the veracity of the false narratives of the occupiers and their ally, Washington, which is directly responsible for the war of mass genocide in the Gaza Strip.”



In the written statement made by the Palestinian Red Crescent, it was stated that the Israeli army’s ongoing bombardment of the surrounding area, opening fire on those inside, the complete power cut, and the depletion of water and food threatened the lives of everyone in the hospital.

In the statement, it was stated that due to all these reasons, treatment at Jerusalem Hospital became impossible and the injured were transferred to hospitals in the south, which had a shortage of medical supplies, medicine and fuel.

“It was a difficult and dangerous day. Today, we managed to evacuate the patients, their families and medical teams who were trapped in Jerusalem Hospital due to the tragic situation that befell the hospital. The evacuation came after more than 10 days of siege, during which medical and humanitarian supplies were prevented from reaching the hospital.”



Israeli Army Spokesperson Daniel Hagari made evaluations about Israel’s attacks on the Gaza Strip at his daily press conference.


Claiming that the Qassam Brigades used hospitals in the Gaza Strip for military purposes, Hagari claimed that hospitals in the region would “lose their special protection in the international court” for this reason.

Hagari’s statement was perceived as an acceptance that the hospitals he hit in Gaza during the attacks that have been continuing since October 7 have international protection status.



White House National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby made a statement about the allegations that Hamas used some hospitals in Gaza.


Kirby claimed that they had received intelligence from different sources that Hamas was using some hospitals and “underneath tunnels” in the Gaza Strip to hide and conduct their military operations.

Kirby argued that, according to the intelligence in question, some hospitals in Gaza, including the Shifa Hospital, were used by Hamas to “hide, conduct their military operations and hold hostages.”

Saying that they do not support air attacks on hospitals, Kirby said, “Hospitals and patients must be protected. We do not want to see a conflict in the hospital where innocent, helpless and sick people are just trying to get the treatment they deserve.” he said.

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