Breaking news: New sanctions from the USA to Iran! Ahmadinejad detail attracted attention

Breaking news New sanctions from the USA to Iran Ahmadinejad

Breaking news: The USA added a new one to the sanctions it imposed on Iran. According to the decision announced by US President Biden, sanctions will be imposed on former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence.

Biden published a written statement following the release of 5 US citizens detained in the country within the scope of the prisoner swap agreement they reached with Iran.

“Today, five innocent Americans detained in Iran are finally returning home.” Using the statement, Biden noted that Siyamek Namaz, Murad Tahbaz and İmad Şarkı and 2 people who did not want their identities to be disclosed will return to the USA.

Biden stated that he is grateful to his partners, including Qatar, Oman, Switzerland and South Korea, who helped the detainees return to the USA, and expressed his special thanks to the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamed Al Thani and the Sultan of Oman Haytham bin Tarik for their assistance in this regard.

On the other hand, Biden said about Robert Levinson, a former employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) who disappeared in Iran in 2007, “I call on the Iranian regime to make a statement about what exactly happened to Levinson.” shared his message.


“Today, we are imposing sanctions under the Levinson Act against former (Iranian) President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence for their role in the wrongful detentions (of U.S. citizens),” Biden said. He made a statement.

Noting that they will continue to put pressure on Iran “due to its provocative actions in the region,” Biden also warned all Americans about the risks of traveling to Iran. “Those who have an American passport should not travel there,” Biden said. he said.

Biden emphasized that he gave priority to the release of unjustly detained US citizens and pointed out that they enabled the return of many people to the country, but that many people were still unjustly detained in different parts of the world such as Russia, Venezuela and Syria.

The US President underlined that they will continue to work to return to the country every American who has been taken hostage or unjustly detained.



US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in his written statement on the subject, stated that 30 Americans detained around the world were released during the Biden administration.

Stating that the USA will continue to use the Levinson Law to promote accountability in “Iran and other regimes”, Blinken said: “US citizens should not travel to Iran for any reason. I call on American citizens in Iran to leave the country immediately.” he said. (AA)
