Breaking Bad star Giancarlo Esposito’s “badass” Marvel role in Captain America 4 revealed

Breaking Bad star Giancarlo Espositos badass Marvel role in Captain

A few weeks ago, Marvel presented us with the first trailer for Captain America 4: Brave New World, in which Anthony Mackie, aka The Falcon, takes on the role of the titular hero for the first time. Breaking Bad star Giancarlo Esposito also made his Marvel debut and teased his Role as new villain But even the most loyal comic fans couldn’t guess which one it was. Now the actor revealed the secret at the Comic Con in San Diego.

Giancarlo Esposito plays Marvel villain Sidewinder in Captain America 4

As Comic Book Movies reports, Esposito gave a touching speech alongside co-stars Anthony Mackie, Tim Blake Nelson and Danny Ramirez. In it, he spoke of his long-held dream of playing a Marvel villain. Despite numerous attempts to guess Esposito’s character, most fans were way off with their predictions.

According to his own statements, the Breaking Bad favorite Seth Voelker aka Sidewinder, the king of the Serpent Society, The character first appeared in the 310th Captain America volume, which was published in 1985. The Serpent Society brings together a number of iconic villains from the Captain America universe, including Anaconda, Cottonmouth and Black Mamba.

Marvel Comics

Sidewinder in Marvel Comics

In the comics, Sidewinder reformed the so-called Serpent Squad, which was founded by Viper, Cobra and the Eel and brought the Roxxon Oil president under control with the help of a powerful artifact, the so-called Serpent Crown. Sidewinder eventually used his cape, which gave him the power of teleportation to fight against Captain America, Elektra and the X-Men. It is not yet known whether any plot elements from the comics will be included in the film.

Esposito has spoken several times about his mysterious Marvel role and described it as “badass” [dt. in etwa: knallhart]. Fans therefore associated the Breaking Bad star with the character of SHIELD Agents GW Bridge named after the iconic bridge in New York City and is considered an absolute “badass” applies.

When will Captain America 4: Brave New World be released in theaters?

We will see Giancarlo Esposito in full action as Sidewinder at the latest on February 12, 2025when Captain America 4: Brave New World hits German cinemas.

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