Bread soon banned from Israeli hospitals?

Bread soon banned from Israeli hospitals

A new text prohibits bringing into hospitals in the Jewish state foods made from wheat in particular, and containing leaven. And it’s not for health or dietary reasons.

From our correspondent in Jerusalem,

The Pesach (Jewish Passover) celebration commemorates the exodus from Egypt, the exodus of the Jewish people, who fled the pharaoh who reduced them to slavery. A hasty departure to the Promised Land, during which the children of Israel have no time to bake their bread. Since then, it has been the tradition: at Passover the Jews no longer eat bread and more pasta in particular. And anything that contains yeast, the chametz.

In supermarkets, the shelves where these products are usually displayed are even covered with large plastic sheets. During this period, these foods are no longer for sale. If we follow tradition to the letter, the Jewish state should not even have them in its possession. To avoid destroying them, a solution exists: all these foodstuffs are symbolically sold to an Israeli Arab, therefore a non-Jew, who resells them at the end of Passover, to Israel.

To respect tradition in hospitals or not? This is the question that has divided Israeli society for years. At home, everyone is free to do what they want. But in hospitals, religious and lay people are forced to live together.

The former explain: we must respect our faith and not bring bread. The latter retort: ​​we must respect our freedom, we eat what we want.

From directive to law

In the past, the Israeli rabbinate had already filed petitions to prohibit bringing bread to the hospital during Passover. The Israeli Supreme Court then ruled: There is no arguing, bread is allowed in hospitals. This had provoked the indignation of the religious.

The monks, who are in power today, are therefore taking their revenge. It is no longer a simple directive that they set out, but a law in good and due form, adopted in Parliament. In detail, this new text provides for leeway for hospital directors. They are the ones who must after taking into account the rights and needs of patients and employees », decide on the level of restrictions. Total or partial ban on bringing bread to the hospital. The challenge is also to be able or not to search people at the entrance.

In hospitals, patients and caregivers of different religions

Israel Hofsheet, an organization that defends religious freedom, denounces a destructive and coercive law. Because it’s not just Jews in Israeli hospitals. In all the health establishments, patients like doctors and nurses are also Israeli Arabs or Palestinians, Muslims or Christians.

So what can you say to a Muslim doctor, who is currently doing Ramadan, who comes to work and treats Jews and Arabs alike, and who at the end of the day has to break his fast? ” Ramadan Kareem », your bread remains outside.
