Brazilian defensive legend Dani Alves imprisoned – suspected of sexual crime

Brazilian defensive legend Dani Alves imprisoned suspected of

Barcelona police previously arrested Alves on suspicion of a sexual crime. According to the woman, Alves touched her under her underwear.

Brazilian soccer player Dani Alves has been jailed on sex crime charges. On Friday evening Finnish time, the court announced that it has rejected Alves’ request to be released on bail.

Barcelona police previously arrested Alves on suspicion of a sexual crime. The prosecutor demanded that Alves be held without bail until the trial.

The case is related to an incident in a Barcelona nightclub at the end of December. The woman who brought the charges claims that Alves touched her inappropriately under her underwear at the time.

Alves has denied the allegations, but he admits that he danced in a nightclub that same night. Alves says he doesn’t know the woman in question.

Spanish sex crime legislation is strict. Touching without permission is considered a sexual offense.

Alves, who currently represents the Mexican Pumas, was part of Brazil’s World Cup team. The full-back, who has played more than 400 matches in Barcelona, ​​has won six La Liga titles and three Champions League trophies in his career.

Alves has represented Brazil in a total of 126 matches. He became Brazil’s oldest competitive player at the World Cup. The World Cup was the third of Alves’ career.

Sources: Reuters, AP, Sky Sports, AFP.
