Braun extinguished Jewish candles in Poland with fire extinguishers

Far-right politician Grzegorz Braun extinguished a Jewish candlestick in the Polish parliament – with a fire extinguisher.
The incident was caught on film and arouses strong reactions.
– It is a shame, says Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

Grzegorz Braun, a far-right member of the lower house of the Sejm in Poland, interrupted the installation of the newly elected Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Tuesday. This is by using a fire extinguisher to put out the candles on a Jewish candlestick lit to celebrate Hanukkah.

People on the spot quickly tried to stop the politician, who is part of the far-right Confederacy party.

The incident was captured on film, which shows how a woman trying to take the fire extinguisher from Braun gets powder on herself.

The anger: “Completely scandalous”

Grzegorz Braun was rejected from the scene and Speaker Szymon Holownia demands that the incident be investigated now.

The action has aroused great anger among politicians.

– It cannot happen again, it is a shame, says Donald Tusk.

Szymon Holownia calls the action “absolutely scandalous”.

“SHAME. A Polish Member of Parliament did just this. A few minutes after we celebrated Hanukkah there,” writes Yacov Livne, Israel’s ambassador at X.
