Brantford teen gets a ‘music lover’s dream’

Brantford teen gets a music lovers dream

Jocelyne Hewitson is a kid who wants to rock.

And, thanks to the Sunshine Foundation of Canada, the 15-year-old Brantford resident can rock around the clock.

Jocelyne, who lives with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, was recently presented with a full audio entertainment system that enables her to listen seamlessly to her CDs, cassettes, vinyl records as well as music streamed through Bluetooth technology.

The system was provided through the foundation’s Sunshine Dreams program and put together by Greg Forrest, owner-operator of FM Audio Video in Brantford, and Howie Fraser, a sales representative.

“When she got home and started listening to some music, it blew her mind,” Todd Hewitson, Jocelyne’s father, said. “The sound quality is so good.

“It’s phenomenal. It’s a music lover’s dream come true.”

It’s an audio entertainment system that Jocelyne will be able to enjoy for a long-time and the family is grateful for the gift from the foundation, Hewitson said.

The dream package also included a Motley Crue tour sweater, a gift card to Hewitson’s favorite music store, headphones and a Bryan Adams book of photography.

The Sunshine Foundation seeks to change the lives of children and youth who are living with severe disabilities. The foundation has two programs – Dreamlift which takes children and youth to Disney for a day and the Sunshine Dream, an experience or gift that is unique to each child.

Sunshine Dreams have included a recumbent cross-trainer machine to help a teen with multiple severe physical disabilities and a visual impairment keep fit. Modified bikes, computer games and equipment and bedroom makeover are other examples of recently fulfilled dreams.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome weakens the body’s connective tissues causing ongoing mobility and medical challenges. Those with Ehlers-Danlos easily bruise and frequently suffer from dislocated joints which aren’t always easy to put back into place.

Jocelyne has undergone numerous surgeries over the years to help stabilize her joints including her knees. There was a time when something as simply as walking or going up stairs would result in an injury.

Music is a positive and relaxing escape for Jocelyne and something she, like her father, really enjoys. So when given the opportunity to have a Sunshine Dream fulfilled, a home audio entertainment system was the natural choice. It’s something everyone in the family can enjoy, including Jocelyne’s mom Nadine and her 10-year-old brother Nathan.

Jocelyne, meanwhile, is over the moon happy about the dream package and hopes to have a future in music.

“She has such a great passion and appreciation for music,” her father said. “When she heard Bryan Adams was performing at Budweiser Gardens in London in the fall, she said ‘hey Dad, do you think we can go see him?’ I was all for it.

“The Summer of ’69, Kids Wanna Rock, were the songs that I really liked when I was a kid.”

Jocelyne has a large collection of Bryan Adams songs as part of her music library.

Hewitson said it was an amazing show and an absolute joy to see Jocelyne enjoying music that was a big part of his youth.

[email protected]


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