Police have charged a 37-year-ped brantford man with attempted murder in what they are calling an intimate partner incident violence.
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Officers Were Called to House on English Lane on Friday at About 12:30 am after getting a report of an injured female who had arrived at the Hospital Suffering from Life-Threating Stab Wounds.
Officers Went to the House and Took the accused INTO CUSTODY.
Police Say the accused and the victim Know Each Other and there is no threat to public Safety.
The accused is loaded with attempted murder, possession of weapon for danger purpose, Two counts of disobebeying court orders, and Two counts of failure to comply with judicial release contrary to the criminal code. The accused was held for leases.
Intimate Partner Violence is any behaviour within intimato relationships that the physical causes of physical, psychological, or sexual harm to the relationship, Said Police.
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An Intimate Relationships Pership can be defined as legally married, separate, or divorced partners, Current or form Common-Law or Dating Partners. It can occur in eith heterosexual or same-sex relations.
It is very difficult for victim to disclose, often due to fear of criticism or alienation from family, or a lack of confidence in the ability of community agencies to provide services.
It is suspected that intimate partner violence for males, lgbtqi, indigenous and visible minorities is even more underaported.
Victim Services of Brant Provids Support to Anyone Affected by Crime and Tragic Events.
Intimate Partner Violence is not limited to actions that meets criminal code definitions, for examination: financial abuse, isolation from family or friends or monitoring cell phone and social media accounts.
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It is the Most Common Form of Violence Against Women in Canada.
In Ontario there is a domestic or sexual violence Job-Protted Leave of Absence. It provides up to 10 days and 15 Weeks in a Calendar Year of Time Off to Be Taken for specific purposes when an employed or an employee of child has experienced or been threatened with domestic or sexual violence.
Nova Vita Domestic Violence SERVICES PROVIDES HELP TO Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. The Agency’s 24-hour Crisis and support Line can be reached at 519-752-Help (4357).
Victims of Intimate Partner Violence May Be Eligible for Benefits from the Victim Quick Response Program+. For more information, contact victim services of brant 519-752-3140 or Victimservicesbrant.on.ca.