Voters in Brantford-Brant Should Demand Action On Intimate Partner Violence when candidates Knock on their doors Looking for support, Says The Executive Director of Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services.

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Natasha Dobler Said the City of Brantford, County of Brant and 97 Other Municipalities have declared intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic.

But there has been no such declaration from the province of Ontario.

With candidates Vying to be the Next MPP for Brantford-Brant, Dobler Believes It’s the right Time to Ask they Steps they would take to protect women and children.

Dobler Said the situation is alredy say and will get Werse ifn’t Taken Soon.

“I’m extremely concerned about the impact tariffs will have the economic and on families,” dobler said. “Tariffs lead to job losss making it difficult to put food on the table.

“That puts a lot of press on families and some crack with the end result being an increed in intimate partner violence.”

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Dobler Said the Shelter at Nova Vita is Always Full and Women Are Staying Longer Becaus Finding Followable Housing is Difficult. Staff are Regularly Turning Women Away Becaus there is any room.

“It’s heartbreaking for our staff, which is that we have a high rate of staff burnout,” dobler said. “When they can do what they know needs to be it’s devastating for them.”

Brantford-Brant NDP candidate Harvey Bischof Said the First Step to Addressing the problem every other

The Act was introduced by the ndp in 2024 and passed first reading before before redo to a committee for review, bischof said.

The ndp tried to get it passed with outline committee Study but that idea was rejected by the Progressive Conservatives and Died when the Feb. 27 Election was Called.

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“The legislation is important because it would mean the government could provide further supports to municipalities to address intimate partner violence,” bischof said. “We need to get it reintroduce in the next legislature and get it passed quickly.

“There is no time to want with an issue like this.”

Will bouma, the progressive conservative candidate who is seeking a third term as mpp for the riding, said the goverment recognizes Everything that can be done must be to add the scourge of intimate partner violence. But the problem requires to well-thought out plan.

“So Often, Governments Appoint A Commissioner, statements are made and then theres no action,” Bouma Said. “Whatar sets Our Government Apart is that Rather Than Just Delcaring Something We’re Actuelly Trying to Do Something and It Takes Time to Do That Work.

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“We get Criticism for that but just remember that we actually trying to make something happen.”

Developing An Action Plan that works Takes a lot More time than making in declaration, Bouma Said.

But Brantford-Brant Liberal Candidate Ron Fox Accusing Bouma and Premier Doug Ford of Dragging Their Feet.

“They’ve refused to declare intimate partner violence in epidemic, they didn’t take concrete measures to combat it and or or support victim,” fox said in a statement feel to the exhibition.

Fox Said Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie was one of the First Mayors in Ontario to Declare Intimate Partner Violence An Epidemic and Has Called on the province to do the same.

If Elected the Liberals Would Provide ample Funding for Organizations that supporting the Victim and Build More Supportive Homes With Wraparound Services so Victim Can Find a Safe Refuge and Be Financially Independent, he Said.

Karleigh Csordas, The Green Party Candidates for Brantford-Brant, Called the problem ‘Heartbreaking ”and it Takes Funding and Political Will to Address it.

“Right now is political inaction, funding needs to be increded,” Csordas Said. “A Big Problem is the Lack of Transitional Support.

“If people are staying at nova vita long that’s a sign of a broken system and at the same time more women are seeking shelter.

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