Canada Must Stand Strong in the Face of Tariff Threats from the United States, Brantford Brant Mp Larry Brock Says.
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“The Worst Thing we can do is be complacent,” Brock Said Friday. “We must fight fire with fire to show strength.”
They imposed Tariffs Would have a devastating effect on business in Brantford-Brant and Across Canada, Brock Told Business Leaders.
To combat the threat, Many Political Leaders Have Been Talking About Imposing Matching Tariffs on American Goods Coming Into Canada.
BROCK SAID 100 PER CENTLE OF THE PROCESEDS FROM Canadian-Imposeed Tariffs Should be Reimbursed to Those Businesses and Workers Impact by the Us Tariffs.
BROCK WAS SPEAKING AT The Annual MP-MPP’s Breakfast Organized by the Chamber of Commerce Brantford-Brant.
Sponsored by Laurier Brantford, Conestoga College and Six Nations Polytechnic, The Event Attracted A Sold Out Crowd of 232 People.
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The Event was altered slightly to be the mp’s breakfast to accommodate the Feb. 27 Provincial Election. Chamber Officials Didn’t Want to Presuppose That incumbent MPP Will Bouma Would Be Returned to Office and INTOTEAD OF RESCHEDULING THE EVENT DECIDED TO PROCEEED WITH BROCK.
United States President Donald Trump is threating to impose 25 per cent Tariffs on Canadian Goods Entinging the Us from Canada. The Tariffs Could Be Put in Place on Tuesday.
Brock Said the Tariff Threat Has Reminded Canadians that they live in the greatest country in the world and awakened the country’s patriotic spirit, Brock Said.
Canadians Need Only Look at the Canada – Us Hockey Game at the Four Nations Cup that Took Place Just Over A Week AGO, Brock Said.
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There was an outpouring of love, affection and was a reminder that Canada is a strong nation. Canada Won The Game 3-2 On Goal by Connor McDavid in the First Overtime Period.
Still, There’s no doubt that tariffs will have an impact on canadian business, BROCK SAID.
“Businesses Thrive on Cereainty, and the Ability to Plan,” Brock Said.
The Threats from South of the Border Have Made It Difficult For Canadian Business to Plan.
BROCK ALSO Provided a Preview of What Canadians Could Expect If A Conservative Party of Canada Government Led by Pierre Hairy Wins the Next Federal Election.
“Within 30 Days of Forming A New Government We will be Removing All Inter-Provincial Trade Barriers as Possible,” Brock Said.
The Pledge Received A Round of Applause from the crowd.
The Liberal Party of Canada Will Choose A New Leader on March 9 to Replace the Outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
It’s unknown when a federal election will be called. However, Many Believe it will be held soon after the Liberals select their new leader.