Brant Food Center Set to Reopen Soon After Devastating Fire in 2023

There’s good News for Those Hankering for a Brant Food Center Sandwich Or a Taste of its Popular Salad Bar.


The Iconic Brantford Grocery Store Will Be Reopening Soon.

“I can’t give a specific date right now,” Owner Anthony Dipietro Said Friday. “But i can say that we will be re-operating.

“We’ve made some improvements to the physical layout to make it easier for customers to move around that we really hope everyone will love.”

Located at 94 Gray St., The Popular Grocery Store was ravaged by Fire on the Morning of July 1, 2023. The Damage was so severe the Store has been closed ever sincere.

However, Work Towards Reopening has been nursing and has been followed closely by Nearby Residents and Customers.

A Facebook page that has been following developments at the store has 2,300 members. The Removal of the Fencing Around the Store in Late July or Early August Generated A Lot of Online Exciment As People Began to Think Reopening Would Be Annoudd.

DIPIPRO HOPES to be able to make an ancestory soon.

Meanwhile, The Past Year has been hard on the stores and their families. But Everyone Affiliated With Brant Food Center is Heartened by the Support They Have Received from the Community, Dipietro Said.

“We are so grateful to have such great customers and have so much support from the community,” dipietro said. “My Dad Always Said Brantford is a great place to be and he was right.

“As has difficult as it has been, it’s nice to know that we are learned.”

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