Brandão Jönsson kicked out live – fight over sex purchase

Brandao Jonsson kicked out live fight over sex purchase

The chef Jennie Walldén and the journalist Henrik Brandão Jonsson participated in “Sunday in P4” in the capacity of dilemma panelists. Listeners submitted dilemmas and questions that the panel was meant to discuss and answer.

It all ended with Brandão Jönsson being forced to leave the studio.

Was going to answer listeners dilemma – derailed

It all went off the rails when the panel was supposed to help a listener who feels her boyfriend is bad in bed and consults the panel on what they think she should do about it.

Jennie Walldén and Farah Abadi are touchingly in agreement that it is a pity for the woman.

– You can’t have it that way, I think, begins Farah Abadi and Jennie Walldén adds:

– Why are you still together if that part doesn’t work.

The discussion is ongoing and Brandão Jönsson joins in, but takes a somewhat more controversial path.

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Advice on buying sex: “Men need help”

He says he feels sorry for the man in question and first advises the couple to go to a sexologist. Suddenly the conversation takes a new turn when he instead invites the boyfriend to buy sex.

– Maybe he should go to Copenhagen and pay for sex, suggests Brandão Jönsson.

Walldén and Abadi immediately raise their voices and put their foot down.

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Farah’s angry counter-attack: “What the hell are you saying”

– No, but please, what the hell are you saying, says Abadi.

Brandão Jönsson argues that it is only controversial in Sweden, but that this is how you learn in Brazil and Spain, among others.

– Now you are very close to being thrown out. You can’t tell someone to go buy sex, you’re completely stupid.

With an upset atmosphere in the studio, he is finally forced to leave.

– You can no longer be part of this panel. It’s not okay to tell someone to go and buy sex in Denmark, says Abadi and Brandão Jönsson says thank you and leaves the studio.

Closed comment field

After the incident, P4 has chosen to turn off the comment field on today’s post on Instagram.

“THE COMMENT FIELD IS CLOSED, and will be reopened on Monday.”


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