Brain-disrupting pesticides in the cultivation of potatoes, onions and apples

Among other things, it concerns the substance Fluazinam, which is used against fungal attacks in potato and onion crops in Sweden. Animal studies have shown that the substance reduced the size of rat pups’ brains. It also delayed their puberty.

The substance Abamectin, which is used against insect attacks in greenhouse crops within the EU, also had that effect, including for cucumbers, peppers, strawberries, lettuce and herbs.

Obligation to inform about results

It is the manufacturers’ own studies that have shown these effects. The companies are obliged to inform the European Food Safety Authority, EFSA, about the results of the studies.

But the researchers’ review of the documentation shows that many companies have cheated.

The authorities were not informed

In about a quarter of the cases, the pesticide companies have withheld the study results from EFSA.

– I think it’s hair-raising. This leads to the authorities’ assessments becoming unreliable and to health-protecting bans not being implemented, says Axel Mie, PhD in analytical chemistry at Stockholm University.

Found in playgrounds

Fluazinam is also widely used in apple cultivation in South Tyrol, where the agent has been found in playgrounds. Pregnant women and children in the area are exposed when the crops are sprayed and the wind spreads the substance in the valleys.

– It’s upsetting, I wouldn’t want to be a parent or a child in those areas, says Axel Mie.

How dangerous are these preparations for humans?

– Brain development is very similar in rats and humans. We have to assume that if a substance damages a rat’s brain, it probably damages us too. But we cannot test these substances on humans, it would be dangerous and unethical and would break the law, says Axel Mie.

The researchers have informed EFSA about the studies and an EU-level evaluation is now underway for several of the substances.
