BPER, the second edition of the B-education financial education project has concluded

BPER the second edition of the B education financial education project

(Finance) – It ended this morning with an awards ceremony, which was held in the “Bassoli” of the BPER Forum in Modenathe second edition of the national financial education and sustainability project “B-education: ideas that are worth”, dedicated to university students of any department.

The multidisciplinary program, conceived by BPER and developed in synergy with FEduF, CivicaMente and ASviS, with the collaboration of Officine Italia, the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) and ADEIMF (Association of Teachers of Intermediary and Market Economics Financial and Corporate Finance) involved a large number of students belonging to various universities and departments, with the aim of spreading financial education and sustainability as citizenship skills transversal to study programmes.

B-education was divided into two phases: the first of e-learning on a dedicated platform and the second of group project work. This was then followed by the evaluation, selection and awarding of the most deserving projects by the Scientific Committee.

At this morning’s awards event, the students of the 6 finalist groups (Ecopop-up, Finanza InVista, Healthinvest, Luna, Mind The Finance and ProspHer) presented their projects in front of the Scientific Committee.

The first prize went to the group Prospher, composed by Federica Masotti, of the Faculty of Work Psychology of the University of Padua, Alvis Vitanza, of the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Verona, and Victoria Adam of the Faculty of Business Economics and Management of the University of Verona, who 3 thousand euros are each awarded.

Al second place went to the Eco Pop-Up group, formed by Alice Casarola And Martina Falcioni of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Modena and Reggio Emiliato which each was awarded 2 thousand euros. Third place went to the Mind The Finance group, made up of Oscar Filippi and Laura Matia of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Bergamo, Michela Mologni and Agnese Taddei, of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bergamo, who instead won 1,500 euros each. Each member of the fourth, fifth and sixth groups was given an electronic device as a prize.

There head of the ESG Strategy Service of BPER Banca, Giovanna Zacchi, commented on the conclusion of the B-education project as follows: “The second edition of this ambitious financial education project dedicated to university students ended successfully and with great satisfaction on everyone’s part. We believe that financial and sustainability skills are fundamental for the training of aware and responsible citizens, capable of facing the challenges of the contemporary world. Once again – continued Zacchi – we have managed to integrate transversal knowledge of the students who have thus enriched each other, giving birth to projects. important.”

The General Director of FEduF, Giovanna Boggio Robutti, instead stated: “The B-education project is a reference model for financial education aimed at universities. FEduF will continue to make it known as a best practice in institutional contexts and in working groups dedicated to the subject, so that this good practice, which it must then be made scalable, so that it can be an inspiration for future initiatives.”

Tiziano Fazzi, CEO of CivicaMentedeclared: “After the success of the first year, we are particularly satisfied with the results obtained with the second edition of the B-education initiative. We received many new project ideas, born from the creativity and sensitivity of hundreds of university students, fascinated by the cognitive biases connected to finance, from financial education as a tool for emancipation, from social security as a tool for awareness and growth. Together with BPER – continued Fazzi – we have refined the functions of the platform to better manage all project phases, from progressive training. of the students, up to the start-up webinars and the follow-up steps of the working groups”.
