BPER, Pope: payout ratio on average 75%, we don’t see endogenous risks in execution

BPER Pope plan will create substantial value with acceleration of

(Finance) – “I can’t say whether the dividend payout ratio will be linear and therefore exactly the same every year, but we have an average of 75% over the plan period, which we believe is an interesting remuneration for our shareholders”. This was stated by the CEO of BPER, Gianni Franco Popeanswering analysts’ questions during the presentation of the new 2024-2027 Business Plan.

“We are committed to a dividend payout ratio of around 75% on average, obviously we believe that we will be able to respect the plan – he added, pressed on the topic – We see no endogenous risks in the execution of the planthe only ones could be exogenous such as a deterioration of the macroeconomic situation, which we will eventually take into account”.

β€œIn general, we have a linear progression in the plan numbers, then without no hockey stickswith a progression also in the reduction of costs – he said – Furthermore, the benefits of the investments will materialize even after 2027″.

“From 2028 and 2029 there will be further cost savingswith additional improvement in the cost income ratio,” he added.

We have no one-off costs over the course of the plan, the departure of 1,600 colleagues through voluntary exits has already been accounted for in 2023 and 2024″, underlined Papa.
