BPER: Montani excludes M&A, focus on piano and Carige

BPER Montani excludes MA focus on piano and Carige

(Finance) – “Today as a bank we are focused on only one thing: first integrate Carige in the times and in the ways we have given ourselves, then focus on the plan“, for which”no M&A transactions are being studied or planned“. He said theCEO of BPER, Piero Luigi Montani. at a press conference on the day of presentation of the new business plan.

“We believe that the work schedule is sufficient and we think that a bank that has doubled its size as branches and employees in a short time needs time to integrate. When this process is completed, and it will take some time, we can think to other operations “- added Montanti -. Now “we must focus on the plan objectives and on giving a dividend distribution greater than that date as of now.”

Commenting on the trend in very strong decline in the bank’s stock, after the presentation of the new plan industrial 2022-2025 and, moreover, in line with the entire banking sector following the decisions of the ECB on the rise in rates, Montani stated that the stock “was affected by an unfortunate trading day, but above all the fact that in recent times it has risen a lot. In the last month, it has gained almost 25%. Not always – said the CEO – but very often one buys on expectations and then sells on the facts “.

The CEO of BPER, consulted on the branch closures foreseen by the plan presented today, he explained: “We are forced to do this operation because, to tend, there will be less and less crowded branches. The situation changed rapidly and forced the banks to a rethinking to optimize costs and services, which will increasingly have to move to the digital channel. All the banks are doing the closures. Indeed, BPER, “also to maintain social peace, was more cautious. And today we find ourselves with more branches”. The issue of closures – added Montani – “is important and we must achieve it in three years, alongside a series of support services to ensure that customers are not affected”.
