BPER, Malacalza seeks damages from Carige after EU ruling on the ECB

Carige first half with a loss of 221 million with

(Finance) – Following the ruling of the Court of the European Union which on 12 October annulled the decisions of the ECB of 1 January 2019 and 29 March 2019 with which Carige had been subjected to extraordinary administration until 30 September 2019, Malacalza Investimenti, with a writ of 20 October, requested the conviction of Carige, a company now controlled by Bfor Banca“to pay approximately 539 million euros by way of compensation for the damage allegedly suffered by Malacalza as a result of the capital increase resolution passed by the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of Carige on September 20, 2019”.

This was announced by a press release from the BPER group in which he stressed that “Carige, in agreement with Bper Banca, believes that the request is absolutely unfoundedreserving any eventual initiative that it may deem necessary or even just opportune to protect its rights and interests “.
