BPER, Carige operation closing by 30 June to exploit DTA

BPER Carige operation closing by 30 June to exploit DTA

(Finance) – After the green light of the Interbank Deposit Protection Fund (FITD), BPER Bank announces having 80% purchase agreement signed from Banca Carige held by the FITD itself and by the Voluntary Intervention Scheme. Confirmed the conditions announced on January 9, 2022; in particular, the consideration equal to 1 euro for the acquisition of the entire shareholding and the capital payment in the Ligurian bank of a contribution of 530 million euros by the FITD at closing.

The Emilian banking group expects that the closingsubject to obtaining the necessary regulatory and legal authorizations, is perfected by June 30th to benefit from the conversion of the Deferred Tax Assets for Carige (DTA) tax losses into tax credits. After the completion of the transaction, the mandatory takeover bid on the remaining Carige shares may start at a price of 0.80 euros.

“The strong strategic and industrial value of the operation which will allow the BPER group to grow in areas that are currently limited in coverage, consolidating its competitive positioning and strengthening the prospect of creating value for its stakeholders “, underlines the Emilian banking group in a note.
