BPER Bene Comune, customer opinions in support of non-profits

BPER Banca DBRS Morningstar confirms rating and stable trend

(Finance) – During 2023, BPER Bank and the Bank of Sardinia involved the Group’s customers in a Corporate Giving project through the Net Promoter Score (NPS) satisfaction survey. For each response received from customers, BPER Banca, as part of the initiatives BPER Common Goodallocated one euro toThird Sector body indicated by each interviewee, who had the opportunity to choose between three entities dedicated to different missions of social, cultural and environmental utility: the CIAI ​​– Italian Center for Children’s AidThe FAI – Italian Environment Fund And The League of the Golden Thread. Even for answers without a choice, a donation of one euro was foreseen, dividing the amount equally between the three associations. The survey prepared by BPER Banca closed a few days ago and saw a total collection of 90 thousand euros, which will be distributed to the three organizations in the coming weeks.

“With this initiative our Bank achieves two particularly important objectives – he stated Stefano Vittorio Kuhn, Chief Retail & Commercial Banking Officer –. First of all, we collect useful information from our customers that we take into high consideration for the improvement of the service, so that we can meet their expectations as much as possible. In the second phase of this operation, we help organizations that work to promote solidarity, inclusion and the protection of environmental and cultural heritage, with projects of great social interest. We are extremely satisfied with the result achieved.”

“We thank BPER Banca and the customers who participated for this important initiative – he declares Rossano Bartoli, president of the Lega del Filo d’Oro ETS Foundation –. The funds raised will contribute to early intervention activities which, thanks to the development of personalized educational-rehabilitative programs, aim to make the most of the potential of very young children with deafblindness and multiple psychosensory impairments, improving their quality of life and that of their families”.

“BPER’s donation to CIAI translates into concrete actions to prevent and combat educational poverty, which is increasingly widespread in our country, such as the educational centers in Milan and Palermo – says the president of CIAI Paolo Limonta –. Our educational facilities are structured starting from the CIAI approach – every child is like a son – which translates into an educational method that has the same characteristics as a parent’s gaze, an enveloping gaze on every boy and girl to accompany them not only in with a view to scholastic improvement, but also with deep attention to personal growth and psycho-emotional well-being”.

The YOU DO, thanks to all the customers of the BPER Group who have chosen to support it, it will allocate the donations received to the daily activity of protection and enhancement of Italy’s art and nature treasures, according to the Foundation’s mission to conserve the environmental, historical and cultural heritage of the country for present and future generations.
