BPER Banca, with AUS Niguarda for the project “Technological devices for walking”

BPER Banca with AUS Niguarda for the project Technological devices

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – BPER Bank decided to join project “Technological devices for walking”promoted by Niguarda Spinal Unit Association (AUS Niguarda) and aimed at the donation of a latest generation exoskeleton to the Unipolar Spinal Unit department of the ASST GOM Niguarda hospital. The project is part of the activities of the Association, whose aims, in addition to the direct services provided to patients, are identified with a series of fundraising operations designed to equip the department with new technological instruments useful for the care of people who have suffered a spinal cord injury.

BPER Banca has joined the initiative promoted by AUS Niguarda by donating 10 thousand euros. Thanks to the synergy that has been created between supporting partners, private interlocutors and the team of AUS Niguarda volunteers dedicated to the project, on 28 December 2022 AUS Niguarda signed the Ekso rental agreementthe latest generation exoskeleton that will allow the rehabilitation of patients with partial spinal cord injury.

“I immediately appreciated the willingness shown by BPER Banca in wanting to deepen the contents of the project, a willingness that led the institute to join our initiative in a very short time” he comments Angelo Pretini, president of AUS Niguarda.

“Even small businesses like ours have important goals to achieve. A few euros are enough to change a person’s life, because life can change in an instant. We can change the lives of patients affected by spinal cord injury in an instant “, he adds Elena Zanzottera Ferrari, AUS Niguarda ambassador.

“We are convinced supporters of projects such as the one promoted by the Niguarda Spinal Unit Association, projects – he said Luca Gotti, head of the West Lombardy Department of BPER Banca – designed to increase people’s well-being, to offer better care and promote a better quality of life as well as continuous evolution in the medical field. As BPER, we have already supported similar initiatives, consistent with our values ​​and with an idea of ​​corporate social responsibility that translates into concrete projects capable of positively impacting local areas and people’s lives”.
