BPER Banca signed a partnership agreement with Federnuoto

BPER Banca signed a partnership agreement with Federnuoto

(Finance) – BPER Bank And Italian Swimming Federation have signed a partnership agreement for the next sporting season. The agreement was presented this morning in the Campidoglio on the occasion of the press conference of the European Swimming Championships, scheduled in Rome from 11 to 21 August 2022, in the presence, among others, of the president of the Lazio Region. Nicola Zingaretti, of the mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri, of the Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with responsibility for sport Valentina Vezzali, of the president and CEO of Sport and Health Vito Cozzoli and to the samples Gregorio Paltrinieri, Lucrezia Ruggiero and Giorgio Minisini.

Born from a precise strategic choice the agreement, sees the two realities engaged in the promotion of national excellence and in the creation and sharing of important values ​​that sport manages to convey, including respect, collaboration, results, integration, belonging, competition, discipline, constancy, teamwork, commitment. With this agreement the movement of the Federnuoto, from central to peripheral bodies, from companies to members, will be able to take advantage of important agreements to fuel their business, support growth and initiate initiatives to limit the effects of some economic factors, such as the recent increases in energy costs. “Families and sports clubs, especially those that manage swimming facilities, – he said the president of Federnuoto, Paolo Barelli – they are experiencing a very long period of crisis and need, now more than ever, suitable tools to face the exit from an extremely delicate economic moment with renewed confidence. The partnership with BPER Banca will give sports clubs and our members the opportunity to access fundamental loans and services to stem the emergency and continue their business in the best possible way. I take this opportunity to publicly thank BPER Banca for the trust and support given to us. I hope that this collaboration, based on shared ethical and social values, can bring benefits for all and consolidate over time “.

“The partnership with Federnuoto – declared the Deputy General Manager of BPER Banca, Stefano Rossetti – wants to invest in the promotion of national excellence, enhancing a sporting area of ​​which we appreciate the high social and value relevance, which thanks to the great work done has become one of the most practiced and appreciated in the country. Speaking on behalf of a bank represents a great responsibility, especially in a complex context such as the current one. Our role is important in providing households and businesses with the tools they need to launch new recovery and development paths. However, there is also another type of responsibility, linked to the awareness that the value created is not only economic. And giving value to our territories and to the excellences that are known in the world is a great satisfaction “.

Rossetti, BPER bank today signed an agreement with Federnuoto. What’s it about?

“The agreement with the Italian Swimming Federation is the natural follow-up to the attention we have towards sport as a national bank which is now establishing itself throughout the territory. We believe that sport, together with family and school, is one of the value vaccines for young people that we have always followed especially in the part of youth sports. Therefore, today we support the Italian Swimming Federation with great pleasure, which every year puts 5 million users in the pool on average every 15 days, to which others are added 5 of companions to whom we can offer our services both on the investment and financing side. We are the main sponsor of the European Swimming Championships at a time when the dragging of these triumphal world championships, we hope has a natural consequence in Rome so we are absolutely close to this sport ” .

In terms of local presence and growth of the bank, what is the importance of the acquisition of Banca Carige?

“The acquisition of Banca Carige is part of a process. With the acquisition of the 620 branches from the Intesa world, we have grown by 40% in a weekend and were able to integrate them in less than 6 months. Carige was the natural continuation of this type of expansion that we believe will consolidate us in an absolutely important region like Liguria. We acquire a bank that has 500 years of history, we acquire colleagues who have been resilient over the years and who I am sure will make a further contribution once they join a safe harbor “.
