BPER Banca and Confidi Systema! together for the “green” projects of companies

BPER Banca and Confidi Systema together for the green projects

(Finance) – A new agreement was signed this morning in Milan between BPER Bank And Trust Systema!, aimed at granting loans for the development of “green” projects of associated companies, in compliance with the environmental objectives declared by the European Union. In particular, the investment projects presented by companies must be aimed at improving theenergy efficiency and the reduction of GHG and CO2 emissions.

Companies will be able to access the offer, after preliminary investigation, a financing for an amount between 50 thousand and 1 million euros, with a maximum duration of 7 years, at favorable conditions.

The Head of the West Lombardy Territorial Department of BPER Banca, Luca Gotti, commented: “we are particularly proud to have signed this agreement which facilitates the work of numerous companies associated with Confidi in their choices of environmental protection. We are particularly attentive to the issue of sustainability on which we have been insisting for several years with numerous initiatives in various territories “.

Andrea Bianchi, General Manager of Confidi Systema! he declared: “We support the needs of SMEs and we are convinced that making sustainable investment choices creates the best conditions to increase competitiveness both on the domestic market and in the international context. We consider this agreement an important opportunity to give visibility and support to the virtuous behavior of many of our companies, always careful to innovate. “
