BPER at the “Giffoni Film Festival” with two events dedicated to young people

BPER at the Giffoni Film Festival with two events dedicated

(Finance) – The historic link between BPER Bankthe Giffoni Film Festival And Giffoni Innovation Hub. The Institute, also for this year sponsor of the film festival dedicated to children, participated in the 2022 edition with two initiatives: Dream Team And Impact Masterclass “A beautiful story” – BPER e-volution 2022-2025.

The Dream Team saw the participation of a community of young people aged between 18 and 30, selected and trained by Giffoni Hub, who showed creativity and talent in the themes of digital and cultural innovation. Gathered in teams, they worked on projects addressed by BPER Banca.

The young people of the Dream Team then participated in the Masterclass with the projection of multimedia content “A beautiful story” – BPER e-volution 2022-2025, short film made with the aim of communicating the Bank’s sustainability objectives in a simpler and more engaging way. The video served as an inspiration for the participants to discuss ESG issues with the Bank which, with the launch of the new Business Plan, wanted to create long-term sustainable value throughout the country.

“For almost twenty years BPER Banca has been at the side of the Giffoni Film Festival, an event that – he declared Flavia Mazzarella, president of BPER Banca – it is enjoying increasing success and participation, putting dialogue with young people and the principles of inclusion first. Also this year we wanted to be an active part of the event with a project that included formal and informal moments, opportunities for dialogue and comparison. As well as the exaltation of individual talents, the ability to work in a group, the enhancement of the vision of young people. The result of the interaction between the different actors was truly excellent “.

“I refer to the title of the impact that took place within our Giffoni Next Generation review to define the consolidated relationship with BPER Banca: A beautiful story – he said. Orazio Maria Di Martino co-founder & Executive Board Member Giffoni Innovation Hub -. A story based on shared values ​​and the desire to pass them on to the new generations through dialogue and direct confrontation. A story that will surely see us together also in the future “.
