BPER, agreement with trade unions on personal entry into company branches

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(Finance) – BPER Bank announced that, last July 1st, it was an agreement signed with the trade unions which completes the regulatory integration process within the union procedure relating to the entry into BPER Banca of personnel from the ISP-UBI-UBIS and Unipol Banca business units. In particular, a package of standards aimed at young people which will join BPER Banca in the next few years, to support the generational change process already envisaged in the 2022-2025 Industrial Plan.

In addition, attention was paid to work-life balance of employees, defining the possibilities of flexible working hours, together with a package of permits to address specific needs of private life, recognizing them for the first time also to same-parent couples. Also define measures aimed at it study of children (in specific cases by recognizing contributions to the employee) and for i food stamps (increased amounts for part-time workers and for guaranteed positions for the business center and the contact center).

“I am very satisfied with this agreement, signed at the end of an articulated and constructive discussion with the trade unions, confirming the long tradition of positive relationships that characterizes our banking group – commented Giuseppe Corni, Chief Human Resource Officer of BPER Banca – The agreement reached enhances the competence of the resources who will join BPER e it will make it possible to achieve important objectives set out in the Industrial Plan 2022-2025, focusing on human resources as an essential key for the success of any initiative “.
