Boxing, a sport to decompress and feel good

Thanks to the heroes of the 2016 Olympics, boxing has become trendy again. In Paris, former champions and coaches of the French Olympic boxing team have opened a room where everyone is invited to learn and practice. Children, women and men, people with reduced mobility, beginners and great athletes, everyone can find what they are looking for.

A large mirror, Olympic rings, and all dripping practitioners who let off steam with pleasure. Welcome to 130 avenue de Versailles, to the France Boxing Club, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, an upscale district of the capital where boxing is not necessarily the most prominent sport, a stone’s throw from the Parc des Princes and Roland- Garros.

From the sidewalk, passers-by witness this body gymnastics through the bay windows. And we no longer hesitate to open the door: boxing has become a fashionable sport, no offense to the more and more rare grumpy people, who find this discipline violent and only good for keeping young people from working-class neighborhoods busy. the Parisian suburbs. Since the medal rush at the Rio Games in 2016, the “Noble Art” has changed its image.

I like the idea of ​​confronting the general public »

For the first time in France, former champions and coaches of the French Olympic boxing team are at the service of everyone, to teach a passion that sticks to their skin, like a sticker on a windshield. ” It was not my goal to open a boxing gym. I was finally convinced by this slightly crazy project by Samir Machrouh (multiple French champion and member of the French Olympic team, editor’s note). Here, I train people who are very far from the top level and it’s a real big gap. But I like the idea of ​​confronting the general public to convey the values ​​of boxing. I like to transmit, regardless of the level. Make my sport known, there is nothing more important today », enthuses John Doviquarter-finalist at the Sydney Olympics, silver medalist at the World Championships in Houston, silver medalist at the European Championships in Perm and coach of the “Solid Team” led by Tony Yoka, Estelle Mossely, Souleymane Cissokhoor even Sarah Ourahmoune in Brazil in 2016. Since then, boxing has become trendy again and the number of licensees has increased sharply.

Long put aside and little publicized in France, in particular because of the absence of results at the Beijing Olympics in 2008 (no medal), the practice of boxing was at half mast. However, a boy like Brahim Asloum had given the discipline back its letters of nobility after his Olympic title in 2000 in Sydney, signing the first French gold medal in English boxing since the Berlin Olympics in 1936. As a child, Samir Machrouh had dreamed in front of the images of Brahim Asloum who was screaming with pleasure after his title with his peroxidized hair and the tricolor flag dyed at the level of the nape of the neck.

Labeled “violent sport”, “men’s sport”, it is now accepted that pugilistic art is a complete sport, allowing to work the whole body, the mind and its relationship to the other. In his biography, Nelson Mandela explains that he trained every evening, Monday to Thursday, often accompanied by his son Thembi.

John Dovi (l) and Samir Machrouh.

When I walk out there, I feel brand new »

Sometimes, it’s a whole family that finds itself in the room. Whether it’s to become a champion, maintain your figure or forge a mind, there’s something for everyone. Like Hafida, thirty, very busy with her work in finance and who comes to let off steam three evenings a week. “ I was apprehensive and took a trial lesson. In the process, I immediately took a subscription for one month. Here, in three months I progressed. I like this side of letting off steam after a stressful day of work in finance she says with overflowing enthusiasm.

She continues without evading: When I get out of there, despite my day’s work, I feel like I’m brand new (laughs). I wanted to learn without stepping into the ring. So I’m not afraid. I am very surprised by the technique. There is so much information to record. Boxing is crazy. You have to make your brain work more than in finance! What a challenge. It takes that level of focus. The brain acquires such gymnastics. I am very admiring and now I look at a boxing match with another eye. You have to practice to understand the intelligence of boxers. »

Understand the gestures of this sport

They realize that it is very technical, but end up understanding the gestures of this sportsmiles John Dovi. Often they take a liking to it and come back very quickly. They leave exhausted, but each time they have the idea of ​​starting over. They very quickly have another vision of boxing. It’s a sport for everyone. It just has to be done well, with a state of mind and a good speech. I want to make people understand that it’s the best sport in the world. It is often said that boxing is the school of life “.

Night has fallen and the last lesson of the day begins. A tall guy in a white tank top seems to thrive listening to the coach’s advice on how to work on the sidesteps.

I realize the benefit of boxing on people’s lives. They gain confidence, they surpass themselves. Often people tell me : “when I box, I no longer think of anything else”. In a few months, people progress and the pleasure comes quickly. Boxing must take another place in society hopes Samir Machrouh. Avenue de Versailles, the message seems to have gone well.
