Bouygues Telecom achieves best Wi-Fi performance on mobile devices

Bouygues Telecom achieves best Wi Fi performance on mobile devices

Wi-Fi connections from a mobile terminal now have their prize list. The nPerf application publishes its first annual podium on the subject. Only home networks were taken into account on Android and iOS devices.

And it is Bouygues Telecom which comes first with an average download speed of more than 150 Mbit/s, and around 20 Mbit/s ahead of its competitors SFR (133.54 Mbit/s), Free (132.81 Mbit/s) and Orange (130.88 Mbit/s). The operator’s nPerf score, which combines several other indicators, is also the highest.

Flow smoothing

The rest of the results are very mixed since it is Orange which achieves the best performance in upload speed (11.32 Mbit/s) and Free which offers the lowest latency (23.39 ms). SFR* is never very far behind and in general, the results remain close between the various competitors. “This is explained by the smoothing of the measured speeds caused by WiFi technology. Indeed, the latter does not allow to provide, by its design, speeds as high as those received by the Box itself if it is fiber “explains the barometer.

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Indeed, even with speeds of 8 or 10 Gbit/s in optical fiber, it is now impossible with current boxes to take advantage of a high Wi-Fi speed. If only because they make the most of the Wi-Fi 6 standard, which is only based on two frequency bands.

The arrival of Wi-Fi 6E should cause speeds to explode and perhaps reshuffle the ranking cards. It is still necessary that the mobile terminals are compatible to take advantage of it. This is probably why Bouygues Telecom and SFR do not stand out more in the ranking. These are the only two operators at the moment to offer Wi-Fi 6 on part of their fleet with their high-end offers.

Source: nPerf

* is published by a subsidiary of NextRadioTV, itself owned by Altice Media
