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Marie Lanen
Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

Classic and timeless, this male first name has its origins in Antiquity and conveys a strong meaning linked to perseverance.
Rémy is a male first name that has its roots in Antiquity. It has survived the centuries to become a timeless appellation. Its history and meaning make Rémy a rich and unique first name at the same time.
A first name of Latin origin
The first name Rémy comes from Latin Remigiusderived from remex, meaning “rower” or “one who handles the oars”. This meaning evokes the idea of movement, strength and perseverance, qualities associated with the action of the rower who advances despite difficulties. The first name later evolved to become Rémi or Rémy, spellings that are now interchangeable, although Rémy is often considered more common in France.
The first name is also linked to the city of Reims, France, a region historically important to the country’s history. Saint Rémi (or Remi), bishop of Reims in the 5th century, is famous for having baptized Clovis, king of the Franks, thus marking the entry of the Frankish kingdom into Christianity. This historical fact helped to popularize the first name throughout Christian Europe.
Variants and derivatives
The first name Rémy has some variations in other languages or cultures. In Italy it is found in the form Remigio, while in Spain it is sometimes found Remigio as well. The female variant also exists: Rémi or Rémy, although rarer for girls. In France, another spelling, Rémi, is also popular and often perceived as more classic. The first name Rémy, with a “y”, has a slightly more modern and relaxed connotation.
Rémy: fluctuating popularity
The first name Rémy has experienced periods of varying popularity over the centuries. It was particularly popular during the Middle Ages due to the fame of Saint Rémi, then fell into relative disuse before experiencing a revival of interest in the 20th century. During the 1970s and 1980s, Rémy once again appeared among the first names frequently given to newborns in France.
Today, Rémy is a classic first name, which remains appreciated for its elegance and simplicity. It is often seen as a “safe bet”: a first name that is neither too common nor too rare.