Bossi (Cherry Bank): our growth through additions, we continue to be active

Bossi Cherry Bank our growth through additions we continue to

(Finance) – “The Banking system after the dark years of the middle of the last decade has fallen completely And today it becomes an aggregator. Let’s see how many operations are on the market and obviously there is space both to distribute dividends and to carry on beautiful operations. ” Giovanni BossiCEO of Cherry Bank, on the sidelines of the 31st congress of financial market operators, organized in Turin by Assiom Forex.×04

“We were born recently, 3 years ago, and in 3 years we generated 200 million assets, we have just closed a balance that makes 30 million profits and of which we are very satisfied – he explained – our growth was made through additions e mergers, then We have been, we are and continue to be active on the market. The idea is to create something great for the near future “.

“It is not always true that 1 + 1 ago 2, 2 and a half or 3 – said Bossi – Sometimes 1 plus 1 risks making 1 and a half from a credit point of view. This opens possibilities and scenarios for operators also like us to continue our growth path, so we look with interest “.
