(Finance) – High Quality Food (HQF), primary operator in the high quality agro-industrial sector, leader of the Group of the same name, today presented to Italian Stock Exchange the Pre-Admission Notice functional to the admission of the Company’s ordinary shares and warrants, on the Euronext Growth Milan market (“EGM”), multilateral trading system organized and managed by Borsa Italiana dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises with high growth potential, expected in the first weeks of June 2022.
There listing will take place through a capital increase reserved for qualified Italian and foreign investors as defined and identified by art. 2 lett. e) of the Prospectus Regulation (EU) no. 20217/1129 (Prospectus Regulation) with the exclusion of institutional investors from Australia, Canada, Japan, South Africa and the United States of America and any other foreign country in which placement is not possible without authorization from the competent authorities) and investors retail and professional, in any case under the
exemption from the obligation to publish a prospectus pursuant to the Prospectus Regulation.
The offer provides for the issue of new HQF shares and warrants called “Warrant HQF 2022-2025”. The warrants will be assigned free of charge to the extent of 1 warrant for every 1 ordinary share subscribed, in favor of all those who subscribe the ordinary shares as part of the transaction.
The stock price range it was set between a minimum of Euro 1.90 up to a maximum of Euro 2.10 per share, which corresponds to a pre-money capitalization of the Company of between approximately Euro 14 million and approximately Euro 15.5 million.
“We are very satisfied of this new challenge which we are facing as a significant growth opportunity. In a sector that has proven to have great space for development, ours is a well-structured and consolidated reality in Italy and abroad characterized by constant organic growth – he declares Simone Cozzi, founder and President of High Quality Food -. There listing on the stock exchange, aimed at accelerating the company’s development path, will allow us to strengthen our position on the markets in which we operate and expand our range of action even faster “.
High Quality Food is an Italian Group active since 2005 in the high-quality agro-industrial sector, with a distinctive business model, based on a vertical system of integration of the production chain, which provides, also through collaboration with a network of partner agricultural companies , production, transformation and distribution of quality fine food made in Italy intended mainly for the Italian and foreign Ho.Re.Ca. markets. The Group offers a variety of 3,300 products, and records a constant growth trend in the demand for food products of the luxury foodservice that it satisfies with a multi-channel sales approach. The company has made each stage of the value chain of some products traceable to the consumer via blockchain technologies. In 2013, HQF embarked on a path of international expansion and today has 4 offices around the world: in Italy, in Rome (headquarters), and abroad in Hong Kong, London and Singapore.
In the listing process, High Quality Food is assisted by Ambromobiliare SpA (Financial Advisor) Banca Finnat (Euronext Growth Advisor, Global Coordinator and Research Provider) Maviglia & Partners Studio Legale Associato (Legal Counsel), Mazars (Auditing Firm), Clarkson Hyde (Advisor for non-accounting data and social security due diligence) and Polytems HIR (Communication Advisor).
(Photo: © Federico Rostagno | 123RF)