Börje Salming’s strong tears – breaks down when he reveals the gift from his teammate: “Now I’m moved”

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Börje Salming’s strong tears – breaks down when he reveals the gift from his teammate: “Now I’m moved”

Börje Salming received a special gift from Toronto’s team captain in the 70’s.
Even today he has it with him, and when he talks about it he breaks down.
– Now I’m moved, he says.

Börje Salming did not have it easy when he came over to North America. Swedes or Europeans were not directly common in the world’s best hockey league at the time, and it was difficult for Börje to be accepted by opponents and fans.

Nice gift

Among other things, Salming was called “Chicken Swede” by the opponents’ fans, and every single team that Toronto met was looking to go hard on the Swede. But he never gave up, never gave up, and stood up to all the incredible bangs. When Börje left Toronto, he did so as a real icon, and he would later become the first Swede to be elected to the hockey Hall of Fame.

Photo: Youtube

But Börje always had support in the form of teammates. He has said that he was well received in Toronto, and it was not long before the whole city loved him. But a teammate left a little extra mark on him. In the early ’70s, Dave Keon was the team captain for the Maple Leafs, and he immediately took Börje under his arms. He also handed over a gift to him, which Börje has at least kept in love with all these years.

Breaks into tears

In the Youtube series “What can I become?” Börje Salming participates, and he then talks about the gift. It’s a small card, with something that looks like it represents an angel. It can be assumed that it is a form of guardian angel.

– This one, he said, you get it Börje, and it will protect you for the rest of your life. And I had it in my passport, and I always had it with me when I traveled, says Salming.

Photo: Youtube

When he talks about the gift from Keon, he can not hold back the tears.

– He helped me, even though you were… Now I’m moved. He’s fine, Dean Keon. He was a captain and he was very good. He was just fine.

READ MORE: The Swede’s sour response to Canada – now strikes back after massive criticism: “I think it’s bad”
