Börje Salming’s completely unknown gift to the Women’s Crowns – which changed Swedish hockey forever

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Börje Salming has warmed many hockey hearts over the years.
During the Time’s Hockey Gala, he received fine prizes for his achievements on the ice.
But Salming has also shown incredibly good sides off the ice – not least when he helped the Ladies’ Crowns in a very special way during the 1980s
and showed why he is one of Swedish ice hockey’s absolute greatest.

To Börje Salming is one of the biggest stars in Swedish ice hockey is of course no secret. He was the player who to a great extent paved the way for European players in North America, and for his achievements in, above all, the Toronto Maple Leafs, he was awarded a place in the Hall of Fame in 1996 – as the first Swede ever.

Salming was praised

On Thursday evening, Börje Salming received the NHL’s award as well as the award for “Moment of the Times” during the Hockey Gala of the Times which took place in the Avicii Arena – this in front of the eyes of the entire Swedish hockey world.

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190218 Börje Salming poses for a portrait on February 18, 2019 in Stockholm. Photo: Johanna Lundberg / BILDBYRÅN / 135950

In addition to being an outstanding player on the ice, Salming has also contributed to Swedish hockey off the ice – and not so little either.

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Because according to the Canadian hockey journalist Ian Kennedy – among others – Salming has been responsible for a deed that shows what an incredible fellow human being he is.

Salming’s fine deed

When the Women’s Crowns were to play their first world championship in 1987 – before the Swedish Ice Hockey Association covered the costs in women’s hockey – Salming stepped into the action. The legend chose to sponsor the team out of his own pocket so that the Women’s Crowns could go to Canada and participate in the tournament.

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A little known fact on Borje Salming. In 1987, when no one else would, before the IIHF would even sanction women’s hockey, he funded Sweden’s women’s team to travel to Canada for the first ever women’s international competition, the World Women’s Hockey Tournament. https://t.co/kdN33KjLCy

— Ian Kennedy (@IanKennedyCK) August 10, 2022

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Once there, they finished fourth in the tournament after victories against Switzerland, the Netherlands and Japan.

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060220 Olympic Games 2006 Winter, Ice Hockey, Women, Final, Sweden – Canada: Kim Martin, Nanna Jansson and Ylva Lindberg Cheer Sweden (Silver) © Bildbyrån – 28354 – Photo: Marcus Ericsson

For Börje Salming, there was no doubt that he would help.
– I know they had problems finding a sponsor so I was very happy to be able to help, Salming is said to have said according to the NHL expert twitter profile Jen Conway.

As if Borje Salming isn’t cool enough, he paid for the Swedish women’s hockey team to attend the 1987 world championship

— Jen (@NHLhistorygirl) November 12, 2022

fun fact: Borje Salming paid a large chunk of the Swedish women’s hockey team cost to attend the 1987 women’s world championship.

“I knew they were having trouble getting a sponsor and I was pleased to be able to help them.”

— Jen (@NHLhistorygirl) July 20, 2018
