Boris Johnson’s ‘hard night’… They lost 467 seats in the elections!

Boris Johnsons hard night They lost 467 seats in the

In the local government elections in England, Wales and Scotland, the ruling Conservative Party lost control of more than 460 city council members and 12 municipalities, while the parliamentary elections in Northern Ireland, which advocated secession from England, are led by Sinn Fein.

Out of a total of 200 municipalities in England, Wales and Scotland, 196 of the results have been announced.

Accordingly, the Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, lost 338 seats in the UK, 67 in Wales and 62 in Scotland. The number of municipalities in which the party lost control was 12.

In Scotland, the Conservatives followed the pro-independence Scottish National Party (SNP) and Labor Party. The Conservative Party’s falling to third place in the region strengthened the hand of the SNP, who wanted an independence referendum.


The number of seats of the main opposition Labor Party was 51 in England and 20 in Scotland. In England, the ruling party lost 467 seats in local elections, while it increased by 58 in Wales. The party gained control of 6 new municipalities, including Wandsworth and Westminster, the Conservative strongholds in London.

It was noteworthy that the Labor Party’s success was limited despite the increasing cost of living and the parties in which the pandemic restrictions were violated in the Prime Ministry, where Prime Minister Boris Johnson was fined.


The BBC announced that it is estimated that the Labor Party will receive 35 percent of the votes and the Conservatives 30 percent by the completion of the census.

Sky News predicted that the Conservative Party will lose power in the next general election, given the current results.

The Liberal Democrats made the unexpected exit in the election. The number of new seats obtained by the Liberal Democrats, who won 5 new municipalities, was also 222.

Thus, the ruling party lost 467 seats in the local elections.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson said his party had a “hard night” in some places, but results were generally mixed.


Labor Party leader Keir Starmer suggested that his party is on track to win the next general election.

However, at the time the results were announced, police announced that they had launched an investigation into whether Starmer violated the Kovid-19 rules during an event last year. This overshadowed Starmer’s limited success against the ruling party.

Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey said the results would be a “turning point” for his party’s fate.


The election, which has been recorded as the Conservatives’ second-worst failure in a decade, is expected to further corner Johnson, whose seat is already in jeopardy.


It is evaluated that the deputies of the party, which fell 5 percent behind the Labor Party and risked losing power in the next election, could initiate a leadership struggle.

Carlisle City Council President, who lost his seat, said in a statement to the BBC that the results did not only come from the parties in the Prime Minister’s office. “Basically, I don’t think people have confidence anymore that the Prime Minister will tell the truth.” said.

Simon Bosher, the leader of the Conservatives in Portsmouth Municipality, where the Conservative Party lost 4 seats, stated that Johnson should “look in the mirror well and strongly” and said that those who lost their seats in the government paid the price for what was in the government.

Conservative Party MP Roger Gale noted that despite the situation in Ukraine, it was time for Johnson to leave.


Another MP, David Simmonds, said parties in the Prime Minister’s Office were “the number one problem”. Arguing that this issue goes far beyond issues such as the cost of living, Simmonds said, “There is a clear message here, people have cast their votes to many different parties. They are sending a message to my party and the government that there must be a change.” said.


Sinn Fein, who advocates separation from England, leads the parliamentary elections in Northern Ireland.

Sinn Fein received 29 percent of the vote, with the pro-UK Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) holding 21 percent, according to data released by Sky News.

With this result, for the first time in the region’s 100-year history, an Irish nationalist party took the first place in the election and had the chance to appoint a Prime Minister. But under the Northern Ireland-specific power-sharing agreement, the two sides must manage the region together.

The DUP has announced that it will not propose any names for the post of deputy prime minister if Sinn Fein’s leader in Northern Ireland, Michelle O’Neill, becomes prime minister.


Considering the differences between the two sides over the Northern Ireland Protocol, which is part of Brexit and keeps the region in a Customs Union with the EU, unlike the rest of the UK, there is concern that a possible governance crisis will lead to deeper disagreements.

Considered as the political wing of the Irish Republican Army (IRA), Sinn Fein advocates leaving the UK and uniting with the EU member Republic of Ireland. The party’s takeover of the Prime Minister’s Office is expected to increase the likelihood of a referendum on Irish unity.

O’Neill also told Sky News that discussions on the possible referendum would continue regardless of the results. (AA)
