Boris Johnson’s farewell speech became the agenda! “Hasta la vista, baby”

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in his farewell speech to the parliament after his resignation from the Conservative Party leader and prime minister position on July 7, said, using a line from the movie Terminator, “Mission is largely accomplished. Patient la Vista baby.”


Following the resignation of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson from the Conservative Party leader and prime minister position on 7 July, he delivered a farewell speech in the House of Commons, the lower house of the British Parliament. Johnson advised lawmakers that they should support Ukraine and work for the country’s economy, saying, “Be close to the Americans, support the Ukrainians, stand up for freedom and democracy everywhere.”

“Make this the best place to live and invest, reduce taxes for that. Focus on the road ahead, but always remember to check your rear view mirror,” Johnson said.


Referring to his tenure as prime minister, Johnson said: “The past few years have been the greatest privilege of my life. For 40 years I have helped win the largest Conservative majority and a major realignment in UK politics. We have transformed our democracy and restored our national independence. I have helped save this country from a pandemic. “I helped liberate another country from barbarism. Frankly, that’s enough to keep going.”


At the end of his farewell speech, Johnson quoted actor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s line in the 1991 movie Terminator 2, “Mission is largely accomplished for now. I want to thank all the wonderful staff of the House of Commons, all my friends and colleagues. Sick la Vista, baby,” she said.


Johnson, who has been serving as the Prime Minister in the UK government since July 24, 2019, resigned on July 7 after pressure to resign from the Conservative Party, of which he was the leader. Johnson has been the target of criticism, especially after an investigation called Partygate revealed that he had joined various parties in violation of Covid-19 restrictions.

Prior to Johnson’s resignation, the first decision to resign in the political crisis in which a total of 59 ministers and deputies from the British government resigned was Rishi Sunak, the former Finance Minister. Announcing that he resigned at the same time as former Health Minister Sajid Javid on July 5, Sunak said that he resigned because he lost his trust in Johnson.

Johnson will remain in office until the elections to determine the new leader of the Conservative Party and the new prime minister of the country are concluded. While the new leader is planned to be determined by September 5, Sunak stands out as the most favorite candidate to become prime minister. (UAV)
