Boris Johnson saves the motion of censure, how much does the British Prime Minister earn and why does he live at 10 Downing Street

Boris Johnson saves the motion of censure how much does

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdomhas managed to save this Monday the motion of internal censure that he was facing for the partygate during the toughest times COVID lockdown. A procedure that has taken place after the Conservative Party (its political party) received the number of signatures necessary to get it up and running in the morning.

The British surpassed the barrier of 180 votes (211 in total), an amount necessary to maintain the confidence of the ‘Tories’ (of the Conservative Party). However, it is a severe setback for Johnson, after receiving a total of 148 votes against, which predicts future months with a divided party. Before the votes, the prime minister told the deputies of his party, according to The Timesthat “I would do it again”, in reference to whether he would attend the Downing Street employee farewell parties.

The deadline for the 359 parliamentarians to cast their votes, or another deputy designated to replace them if they could not be present, It ended at 9:00 p.m. on Monday night.. One hour after the closing of the same, the president of the 1922 Committee, Graham Brady, has communicated the decision. In this way, conservatives they will not be able to call a similar vote against him in the coming yearaccording to party rules.

How much does he earn and why does he live at 10 Downing Street?

With this result, which represents a 59% of the total number of deputies of its formationdoes not improve the data obtained by Theresa May in her internal confidence motion of the year 2018. He then got 63% of the support, although a year later he presented his resignation. Despite this, various members of the formation have celebrated the result. “The prime minister has won handsomely. I think the important thing to remember is that We can only fulfill if we are united. I hope we can put this behind us“, said the Minister of Education, Nadhim Zahawi.

The UK Prime Minister, according to a recent article in Forbeshas an annual salary of about 180,000 euros per year. A figure significantly higher than the one charged Pedro Sánchez as President of Spain (84,845 euros). Among the European leaders who earn the most are Guy Parmelin, already a former president of Switzerland replaced in 2022 by Ignazio Cassis, with plus 420,000 euros per year. In second position was the former German chancellor, Angela Merkel, with 350,000 euros a year.

In the year 1985 Margareth Thatcher, British Prime Minister and known as ‘Iron lady’ for his firmness in state affairs and his monetarist policies, he proclaimed that the 10 Downing Street it was “one of the most precious jewels in British history”. One of the most emblematic buildings, headquarters for decades of the Official residence and office of the British head of government.
