Boris Johnson launches his major energy project

Boris Johnson launches his major energy project

Faced with inflation and the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the British government unveiled its new energy strategy on Thursday, April 7, 2022. The executive is banking on renewable energies, nuclear power, but also on fossil fuels, to reduce the UK’s energy dependence.

The British government has set the objective of producing 25% of its electricity needs from nuclear power by 2050. To do this, the plan provides for the construction of eight new power stations.

The United Kingdom also aims to produce a lot of renewable energies, in particular thanks to offshore wind and solar energy.

The government plan, for example, plans to multiply by five the production of wind energy, with the aim of covering half of the country’s energy needs by 2030.

To a lesser extent, fossil fuels will also have their place in the energy mix of the future, but their share will decline.

The government will launch new licenses for oil and gas projects in the North Sea this fall, which has aroused the ire of British environmentalists.

Ultimately, thanks to these projects, the British government estimates that 95% of its electricity will be “low-carbon” by 2030.

The executive’s ambition is to increase its energy self-sufficiency, and to provide energy that is affordable for the consumer, clean and safe.

►Read again: In the United Kingdom, fish and chips victim of the war in Ukraine
