“BORG drinking”, this TikTok challenge widespread among extremely dangerous young people

BORG drinking this TikTok challenge widespread among extremely dangerous young

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    Straight from the United States, the challenge called “BORG drinking” is flourishing on TikTok and it is particularly dangerous, as is often the case on this platform. What does it consist of ? here is the detail

    TikTok challenges are imaginative and unfortunately, some are really dangerous for your health. This is the case of “BORG drinking”, the latest challenge circulating among young people and which involves alcohol. The hashtag has more than 75 million views on the social network.

    What is “BORG drinking”?

    Coming from an acronym, the word BORG actually stands for “BlackOut Rage Balloon” which means “the balloon that creates a black hole”. Clearly, the idea is to prepare a cocktail based on vodka, aromas, electrolytes and energy drinks, in order to drink a large quantity during an evening.

    Young fans of this practice justify the use of a bottle to avoid using glasses and risk taking drugs without their knowledge, but also the presence of electrolytes to limit hangovers.

    A challenge that encourages drinking alcohol in large quantities

    But whatever the intention put forward by the young people who indulge in it, “BORG drinking” remains a challenge which pushes them to drink alcohol in large quantities.

    This alerts health professionals who denounce this practice, which is similar to binge drinking. Dr. George F. Koob, director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of Health, interviewed by CBS News, said he has seen some BORG recipes that call for half a gallon of alcohol (approximately 1.8 L), which is equivalent to approximately 43 glasses of alcohol.

    “Consuming that much alcohol would be fatal for the vast majority of people, even if it were spread over a full day” he notes. “It’s unclear how many young people actually follow BORG recipes that call for half a gallon of vodka, but it could turn deadly depending on how much they end up consuming.”

    Alcoholism that causes drama

    In addition to health risks, drinking so much alcohol also causes other problems. “As the alcohol consumption increases, the risks of injuries, fights,sexual assaultvisits to emergency rooms, car accidents and other harms are also increasing. recalls the specialist.

    The caffeine present in the drink also has harmful effects, which worries doctors on Tiktok, like Dr Jen Caudle, who posts a video on this subject. “If caffeine is added (via an energy drink for example), this can increase the effects of alcohol” she warns.

    BORG drinking is therefore completely wrong!

    10 signs that you have a problem with alcohol

    Slide: 10 Signs You Have a Drinking Problem
