Bordoli re-elected president of the National Association of Auditors

Bordoli re elected president of the National Association of Auditors

(Finance) – “It is necessary to promote the auditor’s specialization through innovative initiatives and a strong presence in the territory, aiming to consolidate trust and transparency in the audit sector, with the objective of becoming an essential point of reference for all professionals in the sector”. This was stated Laura Hedwig Bordoli (Lombardy), re-elected president of theAnrev (National Association of Auditors), a leading figure in the world of auditing, on the occasion of the assembly that marked the rebirth of the historic structure.

The new vice-presidential board completes the new board Alexander Michelotti (Tuscany), secretary Luigi Melons (Piedmont) treasurer Joseph Perretta (Lombardy). During the works, a detailed plan coverage throughout the national territory. They will work in concert with the executive committee and the National Council composed of twenty members representing all the Italian regions.

The council will be supported by a qualified Board of Auditors and from board of referees which will guarantee the integrity and compliance with the statutory provisions.
