Borås zoo euthanized the wolves

Boras zoo euthanized the wolves

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen Several Swedish zoos have euthanized their wolves in recent times. Archive image. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer / TT

Borås zoo has euthanized its five wolves, which did not really get along with each other.

– We saw that our wolves have been very stressed at times, says Johan Jönsson, zoologist at Borås zoo, to P4 Sjuhärad.

The wolves have occasionally quarreled and had internal conflicts.

– Injuries have occurred. It is one of the things that contributed to the animals not feeling well, says Johan Jönsson.

The park’s attempts to improve the situation have not been successful.

– We have been working for a long time with the goal of not having to land in this decision.

Now the park has taken on its responsibility as an animal owner, adds Johan Jönsson.

The last two wolves on Nordens ark in Bohuslän were euthanized earlier this autumn. One of them was old and sickly.

Skansen in Stockholm euthanized its wolves last fall, after a decision to no longer have the animal species in the park.
