Book sales: these authors who resist

Book sales these authors who resist

In 1943, they wrote together the lyrics to the Song of the partisans. In 2023, Joseph Kessel and Maurice Druon continue to resist. The excellent cross-biography devoted to them by Dominique Bona, Supporters, is indeed the only literary book that manages to find its place in our ranking of best-selling essays. There are confessions of Florent Pagny, political books from all walks of life (from Raphaël Glucksmann to Juan Branco via Eric Zemmour), others on messenger RNA, slimming diets or football, but, apart from Bona, nothing about literature. We therefore salute the prowess of the academician.

On the side of novels, another resistance is organized. No offense to Frédéric Beigbeder, the good reception reserved for his book proves that all is not lost for slightly overwhelmed heterosexuals. Other white males over 50 years old are leading the sales, such as Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, Bernard Minier or Marc Dugain. You almost want to wonder where the women are. Katherine Pancol, Adeline Dieudonné and Sarah Rivens keep an eye on things and enforce parity.

© / The Express

3. Fairy tale

By Stephen King

At 75, Stephen King does not let go of the ramp. Kind of horrifying remake of Chronicles of Narnia, Fairy tale recounts over more than 700 pages the adventures of a high school student who inherits keys opening onto a parallel world where good does not weigh heavily against the forces of evil. A very good vintage according to fans of the “King”.


© / Albin Michael

3. Where is our money going?

By Agnès Verdier-Molinié


© / Eds of the Observatory

The favorite Liberal lobbyist of readers of the Figaro Magazine (but also from L’Express) publishes as every year its alarmist report on the public finances of our country, the most taxed in the euro zone. “Exploding expenses, deteriorating public services”: his observation does not boost morale.


neurociencia del cuerpo

Por Nazareth Castellanos


© / Editorial Kairos

With such a Christian name, what revelation does Nazareth Castellanos bring us? A researcher in neuroscience, the Madrid native has worked in England and Germany. Against artificial intelligence, she rehabilitates natural intelligence and wonders what link maintains our brain with the different parts of our body. A bookstore success for more than six months in Spain, it leads the sales of essays inEl Cultural.
