Book sales: Mélenchon ahead of Sarkozy, Juppé and Philippe

Book sales Melenchon ahead of Sarkozy Juppe and Philippe

And the leader of rebellious France, whose positions on Hamas’s attacks against Israel have created controversy since Saturday, has outdone his right-wing challengers this week, Alain Juppé, Nicolas Sarkozy and Edouard Philippe, with his ” call for permanent insubordination against an unjust and destructive world order.” A nice start so this Do better! Towards the citizen revolutionJean-Luc Mélenchon’s latest opus, which in no way presumes the future of events, of course…

They started more slowly, but should establish themselves permanently in the fiction charts, especially since they are multi-selected by the juries of the autumn grand prizes: such as Neige Sinno (Sad Tiger), by Jean-Baptiste Andrea (Watch over her)by Gaspard Koenig (Humus) and Eric Chacour (What I know about you). Still missing, among the juries’ favorites, is Dominique Barbéris (A way of loving)Antoine Sénanque (Cross of ashes) and Guy Boley (To my and only sister). Just a little more effort, fellow reader!

© / The Express

The Man of a Thousand Detours

By Agnès Martin-Lugand

Michel Lafon had a hollow nose when he went to “fish out” this psychologist from Rouen, born in 1979, who was self-publishing on the Internet in 2012. Since then, his “consolation” fictions have certainly reached a wide audience. In this 11th novel, two men, two tormented souls, meet on an island and become friends. One decides to return to France… A hymn to family, of blood or heart.

Make them read! To put an end to the digital moron

By Michel Desmurget

Daily, on September 20, France Inter, on the 24th, interviews in the written press, and we imagine, given the title of the essay, numerous prescriptions from booksellers… We will never have spoken so much about Michel Desmurget, doctor of neuroscience and research director at Inserm, and the importance of reading for young people. And we are happy about it. Published on September 22, Make them read! immediately infiltrated the top 10.


The final problem

Por Arturo Pérez-Reverte

The former war correspondent, author of Painting by the Flemish master, has been multiplying successes since 1988 at the rate of one novel (or even two) per year. This time, it is an atypical fiction for Pérez-Reverte, which plays on a crime committed in 1960 on an island on a stormy day in a locked room. And which rises to the top of the chartsEl Cultural.
