“Bone tapping”, this natural method which would reduce wrinkles

Bone tapping this natural method which would reduce wrinkles

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    If you see women on TikTok tapping their faces to apply beauty products, tell yourself that they are practicing “bone tapping”. This technique, inspired by Chinese acupuncture, would improve the appearance of your skin and slow down its aging.

    Bone tapping, also called face tapping, involves tapping different areas of the face with the fingers, such as the cheekbones, forehead and jaw. This method would smooth the skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. And all this, without spending a single cent. Currently, the technique brings together many followers on TikTok under the hashtag “face tapping” which has 50 million views. Be careful not to confuse it with “face taping”, another skincare ritual which consists of sticking pieces of tape on the face.

    However, this technique is not new. It comes from traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. “Bone tapping is based on ancient Chinese principles of acupuncture“, explains Sarah Bradden, aesthetic acupuncture at Glamor UK. “Instead of using needles, we use fingertips. This involves tapping different acupuncture points several times using light to medium pressure with your fingertips. It is a great way to maintain bone health, improve skin vitality and stimulate collagen production“.

    For the American dermatologist Francesca Fusco, requested by Cosmo US, it would be better, in fact, to “tap” your product onto the skin of the face rather than spreading it. “It’s gentler because tapping doesn’t pull on the skin, which contributes to the appearance of fine lines over time“This method would also not disturb the lymphatic system.”If you spread your cream, you risk accidentally hindering the circulation of your lymphatic system, which can cause you to swell, especially around the eyes“.

    There are very few scientific studies on “bone tapping” and its supposed benefits. A study published last September in the journal Materials Chemistry and Physics highlights the role of piezoelectricity in bone health. “Electrically stimulated bone surfaces have been observed to increase bone deposition. In some cases of physical disability or osteoporosis, therapeutic electrical stimulation can supplement the mechanical constraints of regular exercise to prevent bone loss.“, explains the study. In other words, piezoelectricity, produced by the pressure exerted on the bones, would make them stronger and denser. “Patting your face could prevent or even reverse bone loss which can cause the facial skeleton to shrink, causing the skin to become too large and loose – which is the main cause of wrinkles“, explains Sarah Bradden.

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