Bombed the house in Belgorod – here are the details that point to Russia

15 people are said to have been found dead after a 10-storey section of an apartment building collapsed in the Russian city of Belgorod, which is just a few miles from the Ukrainian border.

The Russian Defense Ministry claims that it was a downed Ukrainian Totjka-U robot that hit the house, but according to Jan Matveev, a war analyst at the Anti-Corruption Foundation, it is more likely that it was a Russian glide bomb that accidentally bombed the apartment building.

The war in Ukraine

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  • – About thirty similar cases have occurred recently. At the latest today, information came that two such bombs fell in Belgorod, he says.

    Caught on film

    Parts of the explosion were captured on surveillance footage from a nearby building. Without other camera angles, however, it is not possible to completely establish that the bomb came from the Russian side, but according to Jan Matveev, there are several details in the sequence of events that point to this being the case.

    – If it was about Totjka-U, we would have seen a rather large burning part that would fly towards the house. We haven’t seen any of that, he says.

    See SVT’s review of the details pointing to Russia in the video above.
