Bomb found outside school in Landskrona

Bomb found outside school in Landskrona

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen Image taken at another time. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

The school children in Landskrona found a thermos by the playground.

Then they took it back to the school – which was evacuated.

– It was a sharp thermos bomb, says police officer Tenny Svensson HD.

The police were called to the school in Landskrona on Wednesday last week after the bomb was found in a bush on the playground by three younger schoolchildren.

“Today during the lunch break, some students found something that looked like a homemade bomb near the playground, they took it into the school to show me as the principal,” the school writes in an email that Aftonbladet has seen.

The bomb shelter was quickly in place and was able to ascertain that it was a real thermos bomb.
– They X-ray the contents and make an assessment. Then they see that it is sharp. It contained explosives, says police investigator Tenny Svensson to HD.

Stubin on the thermos

The municipal police officer Jessica Mårtensson states that there was a stub on the thermos, but that it could not be triggered by itself and thus did not pose any immediate danger.

The email also states that the police and the school assessed that there was no danger to students and staff.

“The police bomb protection was quickly on site and X-rayed the object before they divided it and took the object away”.

No threat image

The police cannot connect the bomb to any conflicts in the area and assess that it is an isolated incident.

– It is completely impossible to say how long it was there, says Tenny Svensson.

A preliminary investigation into public-dangerous devastation has been launched.
