Bomb attacks in Jerusalem

Bomb attacks in Jerusalem

Double explosion this November 23 in the morning in Jerusalem. There is one dead, many injured and a general state of alert. The Israeli police confirm that these are bomb attacks.

The first bomb exploded at the entrance to the city in a bus station where many soldiers line up every morning on their way to their base, explains our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michael Paul. A charge concealed in a bag exploded during rush hour. Shortly after, it is at a crossroads in the north of the city, near a district located beyond the green line that another device explodes.

Combined attack?

According to the Israeli police, it could be a combined attack. Investigators are looking into the technology used by the perpetrators of this double explosion to try to understand whether the two bombs are homemade or whether military-grade explosives and detonators were used. At least one person was killed, a police spokeswoman told AFP; the man, who was not immediately identified, had been seriously injured in one of two explosions, described as ” attacks ” by the police. He succumbed to his injuries in Shaare Zedek Hospital.

General state of alert

In any case, it’s been years that this technique of attacks had not been used. Be that as it may, a general state of alert has been triggered to find the perpetrators of these attacks, which have not been claimed at this stage at least. In Gaza, Hamas has already welcomed this double explosion. And Itamar Ben Gvir, the far-right MP and future Minister of Police announced that he was going there. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid is due to hold an emergency meeting with the heads of the security services at midday at the Israeli army headquarters in Tel Aviv.

The European Union Ambassador to Israel, Dimiter Tzantchev, declared himself horrified by terrorist attacks “. ” I express my deepest condolences to the families of the victims (…). Terrorism is never justified “, he wrote in a press release quoted by AFP.

►Also read : West Bank: Three Israelis killed in knife attack
