Bolund on the climate proposals: “Embarrassing blanket”

Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) presented a series of proposals in the climate area on Wednesday. Among other things, the government wants to introduce a scrapping premium for older cars with combustion engines.

Per Bolund (MP) does not give much for the proposal.

— The scrapping premium is just a way to smooth over the fact that you failed when you removed the electric car bonus and thus killed the car market. And this proposal will not be a restorer of that unfortunately, he says.

Lacks large investments

– These are the remains of the coherent climate policy that we introduced, and which the government has not succeeded in trampling. We are in a crisis situation where we would have to invest heavily and invest in fossil-free Sweden, and we see nothing of that.

Per Bolund calls for large investments in, among other things, energy and transport systems.

At the press conference, Romina Pourmokhtari could neither state how large the upcoming climate budget will be nor how the emissions will be affected, but instead referred to an upcoming climate action plan.

“In itself perfectly fine”

Anna-Caren Sätherberg, climate policy spokesperson for the Social Democrats, had wanted to see a clearer message from the minister.

— The bets that she took up, they are in themselves perfectly fine. But if they are enough, we didn’t get an answer to that, she says.

— At the same time, the policy that was presented is an extension of the policy that the social democratic government had.

The industry organization Transportföretagen welcomes the government’s investments, which, among other things, focus on the electrification of heavy electric vehicles.

“The market for electric trucks has barely started, not even one percent of the truck fleet is electrified and the purchase prices are very high. The government’s investments are therefore important for the transport sector to be able to meet the green transition,” says Marcus Dahlsten, CEO of Transportföretagen, in a press release.
