Bolsonaro, who lost the elections in Brazil, broke his silence two days later

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After Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva won the presidential elections in Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro ended his two-day silence and held a press conference. Bolsonaro did not congratulate Lula in his speech.

President Jair Bolsonaro, who lost the second round presidential election held in Brazil last Sunday, broke the silence that lasted for two days and held a press conference. In his 2-minute speech, Bolsonaro thanked the 58 million Brazilians who voted for him and touched upon the protests organized by his voters across the country.

Stating that the protests emerged as a result of the anger and feelings of injustice experienced by the citizens during the tense election process, Bolsonaro appealed to his voters and asked them to carry out their actions with peaceful methods and said, “Actions by leftists such as hindering the right of transportation, damaging public and personal property are not among our methods.” .


Bolsonaro also said that he has always been accused of being anti-democratic, but has never strayed from the constitution. It was noteworthy that Bolsonaro did not mention or congratulate Lula in his speech.

Bolsonaro voters protest for two days
After the election results were announced, Bolsonaro voters started protests across the country. Following the announcement that Labor Party candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva won the elections by a narrow margin, Bolsonaro supporters who were not satisfied with the result set up barricades with trucks and blocked many highways. Activists blocked traffic on 227 federal highways across the country, the Brazilian Federal Highway Police (PRF) reported.


Lula won the presidential election with 50.9 percent of the vote, while Bolsonaro received 49.1 percent of the vote. After the first results were announced, Brazilian Supreme Election Court (TSE) President Alexandre de Moraes declared that Lula had won the election and stated that there was no situation to object to in the elections.
