Bolsonaro, who lost the Brazilian presidential election, broke his silence – says he will follow the constitution

Bolsonaro who lost the Brazilian presidential election broke his silence

In his short speech, Bolsonaro thanked his voters. Bolsonaro’s chief of staff said after the speech that the power transfer process will begin.

22:14•Updated 22:48

Lost the presidential election in Brazil Jair Bolsonaro has made his first public comments since Sunday’s election.

In his short speech, Bolsonaro thanked those who voted for him. The right-wing sitting president Bolsonaro did not take a direct stand on the election result, but said he intended to follow the constitution.

The leftist former president narrowly won the presidential election Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

After the speech, Bolsonaro’s chief of staff said that the power change process with Lula’s administration will begin.

Until now, Bolsonaro had remained silent and had neither denied nor admitted the election loss. He didn’t do it directly now either.

The Supreme Court of Brazil interprets that Bolsonaro recognizes the election result by allowing the change of power to begin.

Bolsonaro has reportedly not spoken with Lula yet.

Bolsonaro called for a peaceful demonstration

Bolsonaro’s silence has been seen as fueling the protests. Many supporters of Bolsonaro have refused to accept the election result and claimed it was fake.

Truck drivers and other supporters have blocked traffic across the country with several hundred roadblocks.

Bolsonaro said in his speech that the protests are the result of “anger and a sense of injustice” related to the vote.

However, he urged people to demonstrate peacefully.

Reuters, AFP, AP

* You can discuss the topic until Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 11 p.m.

More on the topic:

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